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形容詞 adj.

1.寓言般的, 難以置信的


This is a fabulous sum of money.



We had a fabulous time at the party.



英 [?f?bj?l?s] 美 [?f?bj?l?s]?

adj. 極好的,極妙的;(美貌)驚人的;寓言般的;難以置信的?

荒誕無稽的; 寓言中的; 寓言似的; 絕妙的?

能被表示程度的副詞或介詞詞組修飾的形容詞極好的;絕妙的 If you describe something as fabulous, you are emphasizing that you like it a lot or think that it is very good.

This is a fabulous album. It's fresh, varied, fun... 這張專輯真棒,新穎、有趣且富於變化。

The scenery and weather were fabulous. 景色和天氣都好極了。

2. ?能被表示程度的副詞或介詞詞組修飾的形容詞(成功)極大的;(美貌)驚人的 If you talk about someone's fabulous beauty, for example, or their fabulous success, you are emphasizing that they are extremely beautiful or extremely successful. ?

Despite his fabulous wealth, he is very much a man of the people.?



...their fabulously rich parents. 他們極其富有的父母

1. Jane is a fabulous cook. 簡的烹飪技巧堪稱壹絕。?

2. The capital sunk in it is fabulous in amount. 投入的資金數量驚人。?

3. This is a fabulous sum of money. 這是壹筆巨款。?

4. We had a fabulous time at the party. 我們在晚會上玩得很痛快。?

5. The weather's great the whole year round, and the surfing is fabulous. 那兒全年氣候都很好,沖浪更是好玩兒。?

6. The fabulous statistics continued to pour out of the telescreen. 電幕上神話般的數字不斷奔湧出來。?

7. He is a fabulous hero in that book. 在那本書中他是個傳奇式的英雄。?

8. Ten dollars is a fabulous price for an ordinary pencil. 對於壹支普通的鉛筆來說標價十美元是難以置信的。?

9. The scenery and weather were fabulous. 景色和天氣都好極了。?

10. They were mostly portraits of fabulous financial figures done in rich oils. 這些色彩鮮艷的油畫,都是財界的傳奇般的人物。?

11. The Bee is a fabulous car. 蜂車是壹種神話般的車。?

12. During each war the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth. 每次戰爭壟斷資本家們都大發橫財。?

13. Fabulous profits were sweated out of these foreign workers. 從外籍工人身上榨取驚人的利潤。?

14. Fabulous profits are sweated out of the workers by the capitalists. 資本家從工人身上榨取駭人聽聞的血汗。?

15. Germany was condemned to pay reparations on a fabulous scale. 德國被宣判必須繳付驚人的巨額賠款。?

16. The Duchess of Croydon's gem collection was among the world's most fabulous. 克羅伊敦公爵夫人珍藏的珠寶屬於世界上最名貴的。?

17. The dragon is a fabulous creature. 龍是傳說中的動物。?

18. The museum has a fabulous collection of jewels. 該博物館有著驚人的珠寶收藏。?

19. It was a fabulous bargain. 這是壹筆極好的買賣。?

20. He became a fabulous being. 他成了壹個傳說性的人物。

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