當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 圖片素材 - 全球化的英文




The increasing integration of economies, societies, and cultures around the world is a key feature of globalization.(世界各國的經濟、社會和文化之間不斷增長的融合是全球化的關鍵特征。)

Globalization has brought both benefits and challenges to different countries and regions around the world.(全球化對於世界上不同國家和地區帶來了利益和挑戰。)

Communication technology has revolutionized the way in which people connect and interact with each other in today's globalized world.(通信技術改變了人們在當今全球化世界中相互聯系和互動的方式。)

International trade is a central aspect of globalization, providing opportunities for economic growth and development across the world.(國際貿易是全球化的核心方面,為全球經濟增長和發展提供了機會。)

The rise of multinational corporations and global supply chains is a key driver of globalization, connecting producers and consumers across different markets and industries.(跨國公司和全球供應鏈的崛起是全球化的關鍵推動力,連接著不同市場和行業的生產者和消費者。)

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