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blaze是什麽意思.要全釋如題 謝謝了

blaze vt. 刻記號在樹皮上指示(道路等) 領導, 開拓 blaze a trail [path, way] (在森林, 荒野中)在樹皮上刻上標誌指示道路; 闖出新路, 開辟路徑 現代英漢詞典blaze 1 n. 火焰;烈火;火災 The roadside grass became a blaze. 路邊的草引起了壹場大火。 It took the firemen nearly two hours to put the blaze out. 消防隊員花了近兩個小時才把大火撲滅。 光輝;明亮 The flowers made a blaze of red. 花(開得)壹片艷紅。 On New Year's eve, every main street was a blaze of light. 除夕之夜,各條大街壹片燈火輝煌。 突然發怒 In a blaze of anger he shouted at them. 他勃然大怒,對他們大吼。 (pl)邪惡的地方 Go to blazes! 該死! What the blazes! 該死! blaze 2 n. 白斑 (為標明方向在樹上砍的)白茬標記 詞性變化 vi. blazed, blazing 燃燒 照耀;發光 Lights were blazing and men were running here and there: they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped. 燈光強烈耀眼,人們跑來跑去 - 他們剛剛發現有個戰俘逃掉了。 Her eyes blazed with anger. (喻) 她眼裏閃著怒火。 詞性變化 vt. 在樹上砍出白茬(標明方向) 常用詞組 blaze away (常與at連用) 迅速開槍;不斷射擊 奮力工作 The advertising corporation has blazed a trail in new methods of advertising by using internet. (喻) 廣告公司利用國際信息網為新的廣告方法開拓了新路。 簡明英漢詞典blaze n. 火焰, 光輝, 情感爆發 vi. 燃燒, 照耀, 激發 vt. 在樹皮上刻路標, 公開宣布

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