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坐車的英文是take a bus。

take a bus搭公交車;搭巴士;搭乘巴士。by bus乘公車。ride in a car坐汽車。第三人稱單數:takes a bus.現在分詞:taking a bus.過去式:took a bus.過去分詞:taken a bus.


1、那位列車員對坐車不掏錢的人視而不見。The train conductor winked at people who hopped trains.

2、記者被蒙住眼睛坐車去見匪徒。The reporter was driven blindfold to meet the gangster.

3、會省卻許多坐車旅行因此也少了許多汙染。Many vehicle journeys and hence a lot of pollution would be saved.

4、坐車的是壹位太太,帶著壹條狗。A lady with a dog was lit.

5、再赴華盛頓老板們乖乖地坐車了。On their next visit to Washington the chastened executives travelled by car.

6、坐車去醫院大概用了20分鐘。The ride to the hospital took about 20 minutes.

7、坐車:地鐵十號線雙井站B出口。Transportation:Exit B ShuangJing Station Line 10.

8、壹清早大太太坐車上市去買菜。Early in the morning the No.I wife went to the market by rickshaw.

9、在那之前,我們坐車去了巴黎。Previous to that,we had traveled by car to Paris.

10、不過,我坐車時總會覺得惡心。I always feel sick on buses anyway.

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