當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 圖片素材 - 18、Word Knowledge詞匯知識:大熊星座小熊星座

18、Word Knowledge詞匯知識:大熊星座小熊星座

Ursa Major is a well-known and significant constellation(星座) in many cultures. Being one of the oldest constellations in the sky, a great number of tales and legends across the globe associate it with a bear.


In Latin Ursa Major means “Greater she-bear”. In Greek, Arktos is the word for “bear”. Hence the name Arctic, means bearish(如熊的) and describes the far northern parts of the earth where the Great Bear Constellation(星座) dominates the heavens(天空).

在拉丁語中,Ursa Major的意思是“大母熊”。而在希臘語中,指代“熊”的單詞是Arktos,也因為如此,Arctic壹詞既可以表示“像熊壹樣的”,也可以表示“地球的北極”。在那裏,大熊星座主宰著天空。

As a very large constellation(星座), Ursa Major is also known for its famous asterism(星群), or star grouping, the Big Dipper(北鬥七星).


Ursa Minor means “little bear” in Latin, but this circumpolar(極地周圍的) constellation resembles(像) a dipper more than a bear, and is therefore commonly called the Little Dipper.

雖然在拉丁語中,Ursa Minor的意思是“小熊”,但是這個拱極星座看上去卻更像壹個小鬥,也因此得名“小北鬥七星”。

It is much less conspicuous(顯眼)than the Big Dipper, but it contains the most important navigational(航行的)star in our sky, Polaris(北極星), the Pole or the North Star.


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