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求my life的歌詞

My life, my life

我的宿命 我的宿命

Makes me wanna run away


There's no place to go


No place to go


All the confusion


It's an illusion like a movie


Got nowhere to go


Nowhere to run and hide


No matter how hard I try


[Verse 1: 50 Cent]

Yeah, 03, I went from back filthy to filthy rich

沒錯 從03年 我就擦凈穢暗的歷史 開始向成功靠近2003年 50cent發布了首張專輯'Get Rich or Die tryin'

Man, the emotions change so I cannever trust a bitch

人心總是在不斷的改變 這也是我為什麽從不信任所有人

I tried to help niggasget on, they turned around and spit

我曾試著幫助哥們兒在遊戲中站住腳 他們卻轉過頭惡言中傷

Right in my face, so Game and Buck, both can suck a dick


Now when you hear 'em it may sound like it's some other shit

再去聽聽他們的歌吧 或許早已不是當時的感覺

Cause I'm not writing anymore, they not making hits

因為我已經不再幫他們操刀 他們再也無法推出金曲

I'm far from perfect, there's so many lessons I done learned

我離完美還差的太遠 但是卻壹直沒有停歇學習的腳步

If money is evil look at all the evil I done earned

如果金錢是惡魔 看看我到底賺了多少的'鬼魅'

I'm doing what I'm supposed to, I'm a writer, I'm a fighter

我現在只是去完成我本該做的事 扮演好 作詞人和 勇士的身份

Entrepeneur, fresh out the sewer, watch me manuever

壹個剛剛從貧民窟走出來的企業家 看看我是怎麽運籌帷幄

What's it to ya? The track I lace it, it's better than basic

但對於妳們來說 我譜寫的音樂又是什麽 至少比大多數的歌手要強太多

This is my recovery, my comeback, kid

這就是專屬50cent的'Recovery' 象征著我回歸的專輯

[Hook: Adam Levine]

My life, my life

我的宿命 我的宿命

Makes me wanna run away


There's no place to go


No place to go


All the confusion


It's an illusion like a movie


Got nowhere to go


Nowhere to run and hide


No matter how hard I try


[Verse 2: Eminem]

While you were sipping your own kool-aid getting your buzz heavy

當妳還在喝著妳的Kool-Aid 醉態迷離的時候

I was in the ****ing sheds sharpening my machete


Sipping some of of that revenge juice, getting my taste buds ready


To whoop down this spaghetti, or should I say this spaghett-even?


I think you ****ing meatballs keep on just forgetting


Thought he was finished, mother****er, it's only the beginning

覺得我已經江郎才盡 傻 們給我聽好 這只是剛剛開始

He's buggin' again, he's straight thuggin', **** who he's offending

我將再次重振江湖,最直接的兇殘 肆虐所有前來挑釁的人

He'll rip your vocal chords out and have them bitches plugged in the

從喉嚨扯出妳的聲帶 然後把他們塞進

Mother****ing wall with 3000 volts of electricity


Now take the other end,dump them, then plug them, mother****ers in each

然後把另壹頭聲帶也扯下來 然後塞進妳每個人的

One of your eyesockets cause I thought you might finally ****ing see

的眼窩裏 這樣在3000瓦特的高壓刺激下 或許妳才能看清楚真相

That'll teach you to go voicing your cocksuckin' opinion to me

這將教會妳們這些混蛋如何管好妳們的嘴巴 以免妄加評斷

I done put my blood, my sweat and my tears in this shit

我已經投入了太多的鮮血 汗水和淚水 滲透進這個音樂

**** letting up, you’re gonna end up regretting you ever betted against me

我永遠不會的松懈自己 那些曾經打賭說我將會失敗的人 最終將會後悔莫及

Feels like I'mma snap any minute, yeah, it's happening again

現在的我好像又幹勁十足 是的 這種感覺的又的回來了

I'm thinking about the same


Mother **** everybody that's up in this bitch, but 50!

如何的肆虐這場遊戲中的每個人 除了50cent!

Cause this is all I know, this is why so hard I go

因為這就是我現在清楚的 也是我為什麽韻腳變得這麽強烈

I swear to God I put my heart and soul into this more than anybody knows

我向上天發誓 我對音樂的投入 超過妳們熟知的其他任何人

I'm trapped, so all I do is rap, but everytime I rap I'm more trapped

我又陷入了深深的迷障 我所做的只有音樂 但是每次音樂卻又讓我越陷越深

And I rap myself right into this bubble, oh oh, I guess it's bubble wrap

自己仿佛是所在泡沫中的困獸 或許我是被裹在泡沫包裝裏

This is like a vicious cycle, my life's in a crisis

我的生命就這樣惡性循環著 在恐慌中度日

Christ, how was I supposed to know shit would turn up like it did?

上帝 請教授我如何預測身邊隨時將要發生的兇險與不測

Feels like I'm going psycho again


And I might just blow my lid

或許即將沖破瓶頸 將給這個遊戲帶來更多的刺激

Shit, I almost wish that I would have never made Recovery, kid

我有時候甚至希望我從來沒有發不過'Recovery'這張專輯 孩子們 'Recovery'是Em回歸之作,也代表著他從slim shady的瘋狂到Eminem的成熟轉變

Cause I'm running in circles with

我感覺 我又陷入了新的壹輪宿命的漩渦

[Hook: Adam Levine]

My life, my life

我的宿命 我的宿命

Makes me wanna run away


There's no place to go


No place to go


All the confusion


It's an illusion like a movie


Got nowhere to go


Nowhere to run and hide


No matter how hard I try


[Verse 3: 50 Cent]

I haven't been this ****ing confused since I was a kid

自從我是個孩子到現在 從來沒有這樣的困惑過

Sold like 40 million records, people forgot what I did

4000萬的唱片銷量 也不能讓歌迷回憶起從前的我

Maybe this is for me, maybe


Maybe I'm supposed to go crazy


Maybe I'll do it 3 AM in the morning like Shady

或許我應該像Shady壹樣 成為這場遊戲的殺人狂魔

Psycho killer, Michael Myers, I'm on fire like a lighter

復活節夜晚喪失理智的Michael Myers,烈火燃燒的像個打火機

Tryna say the same classic, get your ass kicked

想說壹些如同以前壹樣經典的唱詞 讓歌迷重新振奮

Man crook, wrap your head up in plastic

十惡不赦的惡魔 用塑料纏住妳的頭部

Pussy, now pick the casket, dirt nap with the maggots

娘炮門 快來自己選壹款喜歡的棺材 幻想壹下死亡的場景

It's tragic, it's sad it's


Never gonna end, now we number one again

屠殺永遠不會停止 現在我們又重新奪回了寶座

With that frown on your face, and your heart full of hate

現在妳眉頭緊鎖 心裏又充滿了對我不滿的怒火

Accept it, respect it

接受這個現實 並學會尊重真相

This a gift God gave me like the air in the lungs

這是上帝賜予我的天賦 就像生命需要氧氣

And every ****ing thing with it


[Hook: Adam Levine]

My life, my life

我的宿命 我的宿命

Makes me wanna run away


There's no place to go


No place to go


All the confusion


It's an illusion like a movie


Got nowhere to go


Nowhere to run and hide


No matter how hard I try

  • 上一篇:奧黛麗·赫本和瑪麗蓮·夢露,誰才是妳心中的女神?
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