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因子 rhesus (Rh) factor

半規管 semicircular canal

半月瓣 semilunar valve

膀胱 bladder

包皮 foreskin; prepuce

背 back

鼻副竇 sinus accessory

鼻隔膜 septum of nose

鼻骨 nasal bone

鼻管 nasal duct

鼻尖 tip of nose

鼻孔 nostril

鼻梁 bridge of nose

鼻毛 nasal hair

鼻腔 nasal cavity

鼻咽 nasopharynx

鼻中隔 septum of nose

鼻子 nose

臂神經叢 brachial plexus

扁桃腺 tonsil

表皮 epidermis

波曼氏囊 Bowman's capsule; renal corpusculum

勃起組織 erectile/spongy tissue

脖子 neck

腸腹膜 peritoneum of intestine

腸絨毛 villus of intestine

腸系膜 mesentery

腸皺襞 intestinal fold

恥骨 pubic bone; pubis

齒腔 dental cavity

齒咬合 bite; occlusion

齒質 dentin

齒齦 gum; tooth-ridge

尺骨 ulna

尺骨神經 ulnar nerve

處女膜 hymen; virginal membrane

喘息 wheeze

垂體 pituitary body/gland

唇 lip

雌激素 estrogen

催產素 oxytocin

催乳激素 prolactin

催陣素 oxytocin

大腸 large intestine

大動脈 aorta

大臼齒 molar (tooth)

大腦 forebrain; cerebrum

大腿 thigh

大陰唇 labia majora; large/greater lips

大趾 big toe

膽 gall

膽固醇 cholesterol; cholesterin

膽囊 gall bladder

膽脂醇 cholesterol; cholesterin

膽汁 bile

蛋白素 albumin

第二趾 second toe

蝶竇 sphenoid sinus

頂骨 top of skull; parietal bone

動脈 artery

動情激素 estrogen

動物澱粉 animal starch; glycogen

肚皮 belly

肚臍 navel; (inf.) belly button

肚臍眼 navel; (inf.) belly button

額骨 forehead; frontal bone

額竇 frontal sinus

顎 jaw

顎骨 jawbone

耳 ear

耳垂 ear lobe

耳朵 ear

耳孔 ear canal

耳蝸 cochlea

耳咽管 Eustachian tube

二頭肌 biceps (muscle)

發育內分泌 growth hormone

發 hair

琺瑯質 enamel

腓骨 fibula

肺 lung

肺胞囊 air sac

肺動脈 pulmonary artery

肺循環 pulmonary circulation

肺葉 lung lobe

分解性代謝 catabolism/destructive metabolism

跗骨 tarsal bone

副甲狀腺 parathyroid gland

副交感神經系統 parasympathetic nervous system

腹 abdomen; belly

腹股溝 groin

腹紋 stretch marks

附睪 epididymis

肝 liver

肝動脈 hepatic artery

感覺神經單位 sensory neuron

肛門 anus; (inf.) asshole

睪丸 testis; testicle

睪丸激素 testosterone

肱(骨) humerus

鼓膜 eardrum; tympanic membrane

古氏腺 Cowper's gland

骨臼 bone socket

骨膜 periosteum

骨盤 pelvis

骨盆 pelvis

骨髓 marrow; medulla of bone

骨骼肌 skeletal muscle

股動脈 femoral artery

股骨 femur

股神經 femoral nerve

關節 joint; articulation

冠狀動脈 coronary artery

龜頭 head/corona of penis; glans penis

海綿體 erectile/spongy tissue

汗腺 sweat gland

黑色素 melanin; skin pigment

黑頭粉刺 blackhead acne

橫隔膜 diaphragm

橫結腸 transverse colon

恒齒 permanent tooth

恒河猴因子 rhesus (Rh) factor

紅骨髓 red marrow

紅血球 red blood cell; erythrocyte

瘊 wart

喉結 Adam's apple

喉嚨 throat

喉軟骨 epiglottis

喉頭 larynx

後臼齒 back tooth

後腦 back of head

後小腿 calf; upper leg

呼氣 exhalation

呼吸 breathing; respiration

呼吸系統 respiratory system

踝骨 ankle bone

踝關節 ankle

黃體激素 progesterone

黃體素 corpus luteum

灰質 gray matter

回腸 ileum

會厭軟骨 epiglottis

肌肉收縮 contraction of muscle

肌纖維 muscle fibre

雞皮疙瘩 gooseflesh; goose pimples

雞眼 corn

脊骨 vertebral/spinal column

脊髓 spinal cord

脊椎 spine

脊椎墊骨 spinal disk

脊椎骨 vertebra

痂 scab

頰 cheek

甲狀腺 thyroid gland

甲狀腺素 thyroxine

尖瓣 cuspid valve

肩 shoulder

肩胛骨 shoulder blade; scapula

腱 tendon (connecting bone with muscle)

降結腸 descending colon

交感神經系統 sympathetic nervous system

腳 foot

腳底 sole

腳底心 arch (of the foot)

腳跟 heel

腳尖 tip of the toe; tiptoe

腳內側 instep

腳趾 toe; digit

腳趾甲 toenail

角膜 cornea

角質 keratin

睫毛 eyelash; eyewinker

睫狀肌 ciliary muscle

結膜 conjunctiva

筋 tendon (connecting bone with muscle)

精包 epididymis

精蟲 sperm; spermatozoon

精帶 spermatic cord

精囊腺 neck

精索 spermatic cord

頸 neck

頸背 nape/back of neck

頸靜脈 jugular vein

脛骨 tibia

靜脈 vein

酒色斑 port wine stain

酒窩 dimple

臼齒 molar (tooth)

抗毒素 antibody

抗體 antibody

咳嗽 cough

可撲弗氏細胞 Kupffer cells

口 mouth

口腔 oral cavity

口腔頂 roof of mouth

骷髏 skull

喇叭管 fallopian tubes

闌尾 appendix

肋 rib

肋骨 rib (cage)

肋間肌 intercostal muscle (between the ribs)

肋膜 pleura; lung membrane

淚管 tear duct

淚腺 lachrymal gland

臉 face

兩眼視力 binocular vision

淋巴結 lymph nodes

淋巴濾泡 lymph follicle

淋巴球 lymphocyte

淋巴腺 lymph glands

卵巢 ovary

卵泡內泌素 follicle-stimulating hormone (=FSH))

卵細胞 egg; ovum; oocyte

卵腺體 ovarian follicles

螺紋 whorl (finger; etc.)

麥芽糖酵素 maltase

脈 pulse

脈搏 pulse

盲腸 cecum; appendix; blind gut

盲點 blind spot

毛幹 hair shaft

毛根 hair root

毛孔 pore

毛囊 hair follicle

毛球 hair bulb

眉毛 eyebrow

門靜脈 portal vein

門牙 front tooth; incisor

蒙古斑 Mongolian spot

泌尿系統 urinary system

密質骨 compact bone

免疫 immunity

免疫細胞 immune cell

面骨 facial bone

拇指 thumb

奶暈 areola

腦 brain

腦垂體 pituitary body/gland

腦幹 brain stem; medulla oblongata

腦皮質 cerebral cortex

內耳 inner ear

內分泌腺 endocrine/ductless gland

內臟 viscera

黏痰 phlegm

尿道 urethra

尿道口 urethral meatus

尿管 ureter

顳骨 side of skull; temporal bone

凝血激素 thromboplastin

膿 pus

濃痰 phlegm

女胸 bosom; bust; (inf.) boob

歐氏管 Eustachian tube

噴嚏 sneeze

脾髓 spleen pulp

脾臟 spleen

皮膚 skin

皮下脂肪組織 subcutaneous fatty tissue

皮脂腺 sebaceous/oil gland

皮痂 scab

屁股 posteriors; buttocks; (inf.) bottom

屁股溝 cleft of the buttocks; sulcus posterior

屁股眼 anus;

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