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1、Now biologists think they’ve discovered the trick.現在生物學家們可能揭開了謎底。

2、Biologists call this bilateral symmetry.生物學家們把這叫做“兩側對稱”。

3、This is that biologist having rescued her life.這就是救了她生命的那個生物學家。

4、The biologist decided to try out that exorbitant device.生物學家決定試用那套昂貴的設備.

5、When I was eight, I wanted to be a marine biologist.八歲的時候,我想當海洋生物學家。

6、Ever since I could remember, I wanted to be a marine biologist.從我記事起,我就想成為壹名海洋生物學家。

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