當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 網絡軟體 - <<公主日記>>的男女主人公叫什麽名字以及他們的詳細資料


姓名:安妮-海瑟薇/Anne Hathaway





出生地:美國紐約 主要影視作品

《公主日記2:皇家婚約》The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004)

《魔法灰姑娘》Ella Enchanted (2004)

《尼古拉斯·尼克比》Nicholas Nickleby (2002)

《天堂的另壹面》The Other Side of Heaven (2001)

《公主日記》The Princess Diaries (2001)

《美夢成真》"Get Real" (1999) TV Series

Robert Schwartzman


原名:Robert Coppola Schwartzman 出生地:美國,加裏福尼亞,洛山基

Birth name:Robert Coppola Schwartzman Location of birth:Los Angeles, California, USA

生日:1982年12月24日(聖誕夜?!) 星座:摩羯座

Date of birth:24 December 1982 Starsign:Capricorn

身高:1米74(也有說是1米73的……) 別名:Robert Carmine / Robert Schwartzman-Cage

Height:5' 8?" (5'8.5") Known as:Robert Carmine/Robert Schwartzman-Cage

發色:棕色 眼睛:褐中帶綠

Hair:Brown Eyes:Hazel-green


父母:Jack Schwartzman and Talia Shire

Parents:Jack Schwartzman and Talia Shire

同胞:Siblings:Jason Schwartzman,John Schwartzman(兄弟):Stephenie Schwartzman(姐姐/妹妹)Matthew Shire(他母親跟她前夫生的小孩——簡單的說就是——同母異父)

Siblings:Jason Schwartzman,John Schwartzman[brothers]Stephenie Schwartzman[sister]Matthew Shire[From Talia's previous marriage to David Shire]

祖父母:Carmine and Italia Coppola(母親這邊的)

Grandparents: Carmine and Italia Coppola [mother's side]

堂的/表的 兄弟姐妹:Marc Coppola, Christopher Coppola, Nicolas Cage, Sofia Coppola, and Roman Coppola

Cousins: Marc Coppola, Christopher Coppola, Nicolas Cage, Sofia Coppola, and Roman Coppola



Pets: Two pugs, Stella and Bella, and a French bulldog named Boris


Hobbies: bowling, swimming, relaxing,baking cakes and cookies


Part in Rooney: lead singer, guitarist,songwriter



The Princess Diaries ◎公主日記/麻雀變公主{2001} - Michael Moscovitz

The Virgin Suicides ◎處女之死(汗)/死亡日記/折翼天使/鎖不住的青春 {1999} - Paul Baldino

Lick the Star ●壹部14分鐘的短篇,沒找到譯名,不敢亂翻-_-{1998} - Greg

●後面的兩部查了下都是Sofia Coppola導演的,(Robert的cousin的說~~)這就是家族的力量乜~?(她比較出名的作品有《殺死比爾2》和《迷失東京》)


The Princess Diaries {2001} - song "Blueside"(這首歌是他寫的)

One Night Stand ◎壹夜風流{1995} - production assistant◎制作助理(?)




·Robert attended Windward High in L.A.


·When he was fifteen, he went to boarding school.


·Robert is the youngest out of his four siblings.


·He loves fantasy movies.

·在Louie Stephens加入Rooney之前,Robert也常負責鍵盤演奏。

·Before Louie Stephens joined Rooney, Robert also use to play the keyboard.


·He writes all the songs for Rooney.


·For a short while Robert left the band to attend college in New York. But he dropped out to resume his musical career.


·Is Against Smoking.


·Robert is the prankster of the band.

·Robert出演過Macy Gray的錄影帶(MV?)《Do Something》

·Robert was in the Macy Gray Video "Do Something"

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