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Great changes in china搜作文

In the past a few decades,greatchanges has taken place in Chinese families.As we know,the life we livenowadays is intensely different from the ones passed.It's necessary for us tomake some comment on the changing Chinese families

There was a time when Chinesepeople had meals without much meat,dressed simply or even wore clothes inrags.Furthermore,people used their foot or bicycle as their everydaytransportation.A car used to be regarded as a luxury that a common family wasimpossible to possess.In spite of the poor situation during the old days,peoplebenefited from the delight of playing in the fields,breathing the freshair,leading a live in gentle pace.It's out of question that the life in thepass is difficult,inconvenient and uncomfortable.but peaceful and lessconflicts at the time.

Compared with the lifepassed,modern Chinese families lead a intensely different life.It's regular forus to enjoy various kinds of cuisines from different places in a restaurant ora hotel.Amusingly,losing weight has become the biggest troubling problem formost people instead of starvation.In these days,people dress colorfully whichmakes the street look more like a fashion show.Cars,has come into commonChinese families. Driving a car,people is convenient to go to the company thatis a far instance from home or go for a vacation weekly. It realize to us thatmodern life is comfort,convenient multifunctional ,most of us distaste thetraffic jam,low-quality air and quick paces of life.

Things are changing,which giveus a message that we are going forward.In this case,it's no use of suggestingto go back to the old days.Though the changes remain unsatisfactory,we can'tdeny positive effects of them.I appreciate the process of our life and I alwayshold a belief that our life will become more and more wonderful.

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