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這是美國暢銷小說《鬼媽媽》 曾被拍成3d動畫片


A young girl named Coraline and her parents move into an old


house. Soon she begins to explore her new home. She finds a small

很快,她就開始探索她們的新房子 她找到了壹個被鎖住的

locked door, and asks her mother to open it. But to her

小門 她請她母親幫她打開它 但是她失望了

disappointment, there's nothing but a brick wall behind the door.


That night, Coraline is awoken by the sound of mice. She runs

那天晚上 羅琳被壹陣老鼠(跑竄)的聲音驚醒了

after a mouse to the small door. This time, she sees a passageway

她追著老鼠來到了那扇小門邊 這次 她在小門後看到了壹個通道 !

behind it! She crawls through it excitedly, and at last finds

她興奮得穿了過去 最後她發現她來到了壹個完全不同的時間

herself in a different world. There's another mother, another

這裏有另外壹個媽媽 另外壹個爸爸,

father and another home. The other parents, especially the mother,

另外壹個家。 那對另外的父母 尤其是她的媽媽

and warmer than Coraline's real parents. But they both have

比她的真實的那位媽媽 更加熱情溫柔 但是他們(另外這對父母)的眼睛都是用紐扣做的

buttons instead of eyes. The next morning, Coraline awakes finding

第二天早上 羅琳醒來發現她又回到她那普通的世界裏

herself back in her normal world. From then on, she continues to

從此以後 她不停地在晚上訪問那個另外的世界(小門後的世界), 並且在白天回到她普通的時間

visit the other world at night and goes back to the real world in the mornings.

Later, Coraline's other parents invite her to stay in the

之後, 羅琳的那對另外的父母請她永遠住在這個另外的世界裏

other world forever, but only if she allows them to sew buttons in


her eyes. Coraline feels afraid of that and tries to go to sleep.

羅琳感到了害怕 並嘗試馬上睡過去直到天亮

Meanwhile, she meets the ghosts of three button-eyed children."The

突然的 她看到了三個長著紐扣眼睛的孩子鬼魂 他對羅琳說“那個另外的媽媽將他們從真實的世界中綁架了來 然後把紐扣縫在他們的眼睛上

other mother kidnapped us from the real world, sewed buttons in our eyes, and now slowly consumes our souls,"they tell her.

現在她正在慢慢地消耗我們的靈魂” 他們告訴羅琳趕緊回家

Back home, Coraline's real parents have disappeared. They have


been kidnapped by the other mother. The brave girl returns to the

於是羅琳,這位勇敢的女孩 再壹次回到那個另外的世界。她拿出所有的勇氣和智慧打敗了那位另類媽媽,並且在壹次鎖上了那扇通往異世界的小門.

other world again. With all her wits and courage, she beats the other mother, and locks the door. The next day, Coraline has a

第二天 羅琳和她的鄰居在後花園舉行了壹場慶祝派對

garden party with her neighbours. However, a black cat appears


outside and gives her a mysterious look. Perhaps it's not the end of the story...

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