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1. It could happen to anyone. 誰都可能遇上這種事 (想開點,別太在意)

2. He's just not that into you.? 他根本沒那麽喜歡妳

3. To tell you the truth, I don't give a shit. 跟妳說實話,我根本不在乎

4. I bet I screwed it up.? 這事兒肯定讓我搞砸了(略帶懺悔之情)

5. Save your breath! 別啰嗦了(別費口舌)

6. Do your own business! 別管閑事兒!

7. My feet are killing me. 我的腳疼死了

8. l'll take your word for it. 妳說的我信了

9. You have my word. 壹言為定

10. I'm counting on you. 這次就靠妳了

11. Shut your motherfucker up! 妳丫給我閉嘴!

12. Are you insane? 妳瘋了麽?

13. Don't bother me. 別煩我

14. You piss me off. 妳可氣死我錄

15. Knock it off/ Cut it out. 省省吧/少來這壹套

16. Get over yourself. 別自以為是

17. Give me a break. 饒了我吧

18. You're such a bitch!妳這個婊子(對,就是傳說中的“碧池”)

19. That's cool with me.對我來說沒問題

20. Don't play trick with me! 別跟我耍花招(常見於警匪片)

21. Your sister stood me up the other night. 妳妹妹那天晚上又放我鴿子了

22. I don't want to be a third wheel. 我可不想做電燈泡

23. She dumped me. 她甩了我(還壹笑而過。。)

24. I hear you. 我懂妳的意思

25. Now we are on the same page. 我們現在意見壹致了

26. My way or the highway. 不聽我的就滾蛋(前後押韻哦)

27. Let's talk turkey. 我們好好談談

28. You are the apple of my eye.妳是我的掌上明珠(《那些年我們壹起追的女孩》英文譯名)

29. Good for you! 妳真不錯

30. I'm all yours/ You are my boss.全聽妳的

31. I'm all ears. 我洗耳恭聽

32. What if I have the nus to quit the job.我要是有勇氣辭職就好了(世界辣麽大,想去看壹看。。)

33. Leave me alone. 別管我(我想靜靜了。。)

34. Two coffee to go. 兩杯咖啡打包

35. I've been through this. 這個我有經驗

36. I don't have a clue. 我不知道

37. Time will tell. 時間會證明壹切

38. Don't get into any trouble.別惹麻煩

39. Terry got laid off two days ago. 托裏2天前剛被炒魷魚

40. I just cannot get rid of her. 我無法忘記她

41. Let't go Ductch this time. 今天我們AA制吧

42. He went nuts after he heard the news. 聽到那個消息他發瘋了壹樣

43. There you go. 這樣就可以了

44. Either you go all the way, or just don't start. 要麽堅持到底,要麽幹脆不做

45. Let's hit the road. 讓我們快出發(就像小時候。。。)

46. She made a pass at me at the party. 她在派對上勾引我

47. The haircut took years off you. 這發型顯得妳很年輕

48. Are you sure about that? 妳確定嗎

49. Can I take that back? 我為剛才說的話道歉

50. I'm glad we see eye to eye about this issue. 很高興在這件事上我們意見壹致

51. You have to come clean to your wife. 妳得向妳老婆坦白

52. Look who's here!? 看看誰來了(明星,出其不意的人)

53. That's another story. 那是另壹回事兒了

54. We are even now. 我們扯平了

55. You have the final say. 妳來做決定

56. Let's call it a day. 今天就到這吧

57. I heard that she's a call girl. 我聽說她是應召女孩

58. I'm going to hit the sack. 我要睡覺了

59. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.算盤不要打得太早

60. Don't cry for the split milk. 覆水難收

61. Let's get into business. 我們來談正事兒吧

62. It's no big deal. 這沒什麽大不了

63. Don't mention it. 算了吧

64. It's a long story. 說來話長

65. Are you kidding me? 妳在開玩笑嗎?

66. Don't be fussy. 別挑挑揀揀的了

67. I'll be in touch. 保持聯絡

68. My mouth is watering. 我都流口水了

69. She's under the weather. 她心情不好

70. That's more like that. 這才像話

71. We are all for it. 我們都贊成

72. I've learned my lesson. 我長記性了

73. Please do me a favor. 幫我個忙

74. I got goose bumps. 我起雞皮疙瘩了

75. Thousand times no! 絕對不可以!

76. I'm dying to see you. 我很想見妳

77. Don't play dump with me. 別跟我裝傻充楞

78. Don’t talk shit about me. 別說我壞話

79. Let's shake on it. 壹言為定

80. We all chipped in to buy her a present. 我們壹起湊錢給她買禮物

81. I don't wanna get involved in this mess.我可不想趟這渾水

82. Bite me! 去死吧

83. I'll just play it by ear. 我只好見機行事了

84. "I hate smoking""Ditto!"我討厭吸煙。我也是!

85. I'm totally over her. 我對她沒感覺了

86. I'm fed up with working here. 我不想在這幹下去了

87. Don't boss me around. 別對我指手畫腳

88. It's under discussion. 這個議題還在討論中

89. Are you asking me out? 妳這是要和我約會麽?

90. Sick it up! 勇敢去面對!

91. He is out for 2 hours. 他昏迷了2個小時

92. Do you have a family? 妳有孩子嗎?

93. Keep your shirt on. 冷靜點

94. Absolutely not. 絕對不行

95. Thanks for the heads up. 謝謝妳的提醒

96. Your girlfriend just dropped by. 妳女友剛剛來過

97. I haven't seen you for ages. 好幾個世紀沒見妳了

98. Time goes by so fast. 時間過得太快

99. I got in bad with my boss. 我和上司鬧僵了

100. She going for the mature look. 她開始走時尚路線了




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