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W:There's Baskerville.Er... That's Grimpen Village. So that must be... Yes, Dewer's Hollow.?巴斯克維爾在那邊,那邊是格林盆村,那個壹定是...惡魔谷。

S:What's that?那個呢?

W:Hm? A mine field? Technically,?Baskerville's an army base, so I guess they've always been keen to keep people?out.嗯?地雷區?巴斯克維爾其實是個軍事基地,我猜他們很樂意擋住閑人吧。


Man A:Right, three tours a?day. Tell your friends, tell anyone. Don't be strangers. And remember, stay?away from the moor at night, if you value your lives! Take care.好,每天帶三個團,告訴妳的親友,身邊的每壹個人,別見外,歡迎來玩,記住,夜間遠離沼地,要珍惜生命哦,保重。

S:It's cold.挺冷的。

H:That part doesn't?change.那部分沒有變。

M:What does?有什麽變了呢?

H:Oh, there's?something else. It's a word. Liberty.有個別的什麽,是個詞“自由”。


H:And there's another?word. In. I. N. Liberty In. What do you think it means?還有壹個詞,(IN)裏,(I.N.)裏面的裏。“自由、裏”妳覺得可能是什麽意思?

Man B:Sorry we couldn't do?a double room for you boys.抱歉,沒有雙人大床房給妳們了。

W:That's fine. We're?not... There you go.沒事,我們不是...錢給妳。

Man B:Oh, ta. I'll just?get your change. There you go.謝啦,我給妳找錢,給妳。

W:I couldn't help?noticing, on the map of the moor, a skull and crossbones?我註意到,沼地的地圖上有個十字骷髏頭?

Man B:Oh, that.哦,那個啊。


Man B:Er, no. The Great?Grimpen Minefield, they call it.呃,不是,那是格林盆大雷區。

W:Oh, right.這樣。

Man B:It's not what you think. It's the Baskerville testing site. It's been going for 80-odd years. I'm not sure anyone really knows what's there any more.並不是妳想的那樣,是巴斯克維爾的實驗區,已經有八十多年啦,估計沒人知道那裏究竟有什麽了。


Man B:Oh, not just?explosives. Break into that place and if you're lucky, you just get blown up,?so they say. In case you're planning a wee stroll.不僅僅是炸藥哦,闖進那地方,被炸飛還只是幸運的死法,以防妳想進去溜個彎啥的。

W:Ta. I'll remember.謝了我記下了

Man B:Aye. No, it buggers?up tourism a bit, so thank God for the demon hound. Did you see that show? The?documentary?不客氣,嚇走了壹部分遊客,但還好出了惡魔獵犬,妳看了麽,那個紀錄片?

W:Quite recently,?yeah.最近看的

Man B:God bless Henry?Knight and his monster from hell.上帝保佑亨利·奈特和他的地獄怪獸

W:Ever seen it? The?hound?妳見過麽?那只獵犬?

Man B:Me? No, no.我?沒有沒有。

Fletcher has. He runs the walks, the?monster walks for the tourists, you know. He's seen it.弗萊切看到過,他開了條怪物旅遊線,妳看,他見過了。

W:That's handy for?trade.很賺錢吧。

Man B:I'm just saying?we've been rushed off our feet, Billy.我們這兒都快忙死了,是吧,比利。

Man C:Yeah, lots of?monster hunters. It don't take much these days, one mention on Twitter and?whoomph!嗯,怪物獵人可多了,這年代消息傳得忒快,推特上壹發,呼啦就來了。

Man B:We're out of WKD.沒有維可德雞尾酒了。

Man C:Oh, right. What with the monster and the ruddy prison, I don't know how we sleep nights.Do you, Gary?好吧,有那麽些怪獸和嗜血監獄,我都不知道晚上怎麽睡的。妳呢,加裏?

Man B:Like a baby.酣睡得像個嬰兒。

Man C:That's not true. He's a snorer.Is yours a snorer?才怪呢,呼嚕打得震天響。妳男朋友也打呼麽?

W:Got any crisps?有賣薯片嗎?

Man B:Yeah. No. All right?

Right, take care. Bye.嗯,不,好嗎?保重啊,拜。

S:Mind if I join you? It's?not true, is it, you haven't actually seen this hound thing?不介意我坐這桌吧?都是騙人的吧,妳根本沒見過那只獵犬。

Man A:Are you from the?papers?妳是記者麽?

S:No, nothing like?that, just curious. Have you seen it?不,只是好奇而已。妳到底見過嗎?

Man A:Maybe.也許。

S:Got any proof?有證據嗎?

Man A:Why would I tell you?if I did?有也沒必要告訴妳呀。

W:I called Henry.我給亨利打過電話了。

S:Bet's off. John,?sorry.賭打不成了,約翰,對不起。


Man A:Bet?妳們打賭了?

S:My plan needs?darkness. We've got another half an hour of light.我的計劃需要黑暗,還有半小時才黑。

Man A:Wait, wait, what?bet?等等,什麽打賭?

S:Oh, I bet John here?50 quid that you couldn't prove you'd seen the hound.哦,我跟約翰賭了50鎊,賭妳拿不出見過獵犬的證據。

W:Yeah, the guys in?the pub said you could.是啊,酒吧裏的人說妳能。

Man A:Well, you're going?to lose your money, mate.那妳要輸錢了哥們


Man A:Yeah. I seen it. Only?about a month ago. Up at the Hollow. It was foggy, mind, couldn't make much?out.是啊,我真見過,就壹個月前,在谷裏,霧很大,所以看不太清。

S:I see. No witnesses,?I suppose.懂了,也沒目擊證人吧。

Man A:No, but...不,但也…

S:Never are.還是沒證據。

Man A:No, wait. There.不,等著,看吧。

S:Is that it? It's not?exactly proof, is it? Sorry, John, I win.就這個?這不能算證據吧。對不起,約翰,我贏了。

Man A:Wait, wait, that's?not all.等等,還有別的呢。

Man A:People don't like?going up there, you know. To the Hollow. Gives them a bad sort of feeling.他們都不喜歡去那個地方,去惡魔谷裏,說是給人感覺陰森森的。

S:Is that hauted? That's?supposed to convince me?鬧鬼的感覺?妳以為這就能說服我?

Man A:Nah, don't be?stupid! Nothing like that. But I reckon there is something out there. Something?from Baskerville, escaped.別犯傻了,才不是呢。我猜那裏真有東西出沒,有東西從巴斯克維爾逃出來了。

S:A clone? A?super-dog?克隆獸,超狗?

Man A:Maybe. God knows?what they've been spraying on us all these years, or putting in the water. I?wouldn't trust them as far as I could spit.有可能啊,鬼知道他們這些年朝我們噴了什麽,朝水裏下了什麽,我死都不會相信他們的。

S:Is that the best?you've got?妳就這麽點本事?

Man A:I had a mate once?who worked for the MOD. One weekend we were meant to go fishing, but he never?showed up. Well, not till late. When he did, he was white as a sheet. I can see?him now." I've seen things today, Fletcher," he said, "that I?never want to see again. Terrible things." He'd been sent to some secret?army place. Porton Down, maybe. Maybe Baskerville, or somewhere else. In the?labs there, the really secret labs, he said he'd seen terrible things. Rats as?big as dogs, he said. And dogs, dogs the size of horses.我有個朋友在國防部工作過,有個周末我們說好去釣魚,但他壹直沒來好吧,很晚才露面,出現的時候,臉色白得像紙,我現在都能看到他的臉他說,"我今天看到點事,弗萊切"這輩子再也不想見到了,可怕的事"他之前被派到壹個秘密軍事基地,大概是波登當,或巴斯克維爾,或別的什麽地方。在那些真正機密的實驗室裏,他說他看到過可怕的事情,老鼠像狗壹樣大,他說狗呢,都跟馬壹樣高。

W:Um, we did say 50.我們說好賭50鎊的。

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