當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 網絡軟體 - 用modest造句


modest: [ m?0?0dist ] a. 謙虛的;適度的;端莊的

[ 副詞modestly ]


1. Young girls must be modest in speech, dress and behavior.

年輕姑娘必須言詞謹慎,衣著得體,行為端莊。 2. I bought the house at a modest price.

我以適中的價格買下了這所房子。 3. She is very modest about her success.

她對自己的成就很謙虛。 4. Don't be so modest.

別這麽謙虛。 5. The girl has a quiet, modest demeanour.

這個女孩子的態度嫻靜而謙遜。 6. The girl has a quiet, modest demeanor.

這個女孩子的態度嫻靜而謙遜。 7. We should be modest and prudent.


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