當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 網絡軟體 - 壹日壹詞:越級LEAPFROG




1. 英英釋義:to suddenly become better, more advanced etc than people or organization that were previously better than you?

例句:Within only a couple of years, she?leapfrogged?from an entry-level worker into a senior engineering position.?

2. 為什麽選這個詞??

“leapfrog”既可以作名詞也可以作動詞。作名詞它的本意是“跳馬遊戲、跳山羊遊戲”,動詞本意就是跳山羊(分腿跳過)這個動作,也常常引申為“突然超越、竄至、壹躍超過”。這種引申的用法在外刊中很常見,恰當使用 leapfrog 可以讓我們的表達更形象、生動、準確,如果能在口語和寫作中自如使用這個詞,相信可以給別人留下深刻的印象。?


Within only a couple of years, she? leapfrogged? from an entry-level worker into a senior sales/engineering/marketing/product/PR/operations position.


But thanks to a happy combination of innovation and falling costs for renewable energy, Africa may now be able to? leapfrog? ahead not once but twice, skipping both polluting fossil fuels and, often, the electricity grid itself.

“Thanks to a happy combination of A and B, C may now be able to leapfrog ahead not once but twice, skipping both D and, often, E.” 這個句式在很多方面也適用於中國。比如當其它國家還主要使用信用卡和現金時,我們早早就開始享受移動支付的便利。中國的移動支付可以說是世界上最發達,也是應用範圍最廣的。我們就可以說:?

China almost skipped credit card payment and? leapfrogged? straight into mobile payment.

近幾年來中外媒體都會探討“中國崛起”這個概念,比如幾年前《經濟學人》官網搞了壹次在線辯論,主持人在開場白中的壹句話中就用到了 leapfrog:?

Boosters point to the soaring number of patents held by Chinese technology firms like Huawei and Lenovo, the number of Chinese PhDs in technical fields graduating each year and the success of internet firms like Alibaba and Tencent as evidence that China is? leapfrogging? to the forefront of global innovation.

“China is leapfrogging to the forefront of global innovation.”就是“中國壹躍站到了世界創新的最前沿”。這句話寫得很漂亮,leapfrog 強調了超越速度之快,讓整句話變得畫面感十足,非常值得直接背下來。?

3. 怎樣學會使用這個詞??


David 超越了他的同班同學,只用兩年半就拿到了本科學位。 (要點:bachelor 單身漢與取得學位的說法,just的強調; 拓展:碩士學位a master's degree,博士學位a doctor's degree)

David leapfrogged his classmates and obtained/earned/got/received/took his bachelor's degree within just/only two and a half years.


例1:Thanks to a happy combination of cutting-edge creativity and innovation, a collaborative workspace may now be able to leapfrog into a dynamic business solution. 和諧的辦公空間融合創新與創意,可以提供動態商業解決方案。

例2:As the world has leapfrogged into the social networking era, ?organized crime has risen to new heights. 隨著全球躍入社交網絡時代,有組織犯罪發展到新的高度。

例3:Theft behaviour has adpoted new technology, leapfrogging from purse snatchings into mobile account hijacking. 盜竊依托新技術,從搶錢包進化到劫持移動賬戶。





不及物動詞 To?move?or?progress?in?a?discontinuous?way

搭配:leapfrog the competition/ collegues/ classmates/rival

leapfrog from A into B

leapfrog development


China is leapfrogging to the forefront of global innovation.

Within only a couple of years, she?leapfrogged?from an entry-level worker into a senior engineering position.

She leapfrogged several older colleagues?to get the manager's post.

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