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高中高三英語教案:First aid

1.aid 1) n.幫助,援助,資助 常見結構: first aid急救

in aid of…為了幫助…… with the aid of 借助於 ,在……幫助(救助)下

give/offer aid 援助 come to sb.'s aid 幫助某人 medical aid 醫療救護

cut off aid (突然)終止援助 a hearing aid 助聽器 teaching aids 教具

他只有靠呼吸器呼吸。He was breathing only with the aid of a ventilator.

2) vt;&vi. 幫助,援助 常見結構: aid sb. to do sth.幫助某人做某事

aid sb. in (doing) sth. 幫助某人做某事 aid sb. with sth在某事上幫助某人

① 我幫助這個可憐的女孩繼續她的學業。I aided the poor girl in continuing her study.

② 我幫助她搞研究。I aided her to do her research.

2. fall ill課文原句

fall ill是“病倒”的意思,其中fall是連系動詞,意為“成為,變成”,不能與表示壹段時間的狀語連用。

她病倒不久便去世了。She fell ill and died soon after.

知識鏈接:fall asleep 睡著 fall silent 沈默 fall down 摔倒

fall in love with愛上……

3.prevent sb. from doing sth課文原句

1)prevent/stop... (from) doing 妨礙/阻止…做某事

keep... from doing 阻止….做某事

在be prevented/stopped from doing 結構中,介詞from 能省略嗎?

不能 如:We are prevented/stopped from going there.

2)protect sb./sth. against/from sth. 保護…..免受…..

他帶著太陽鏡以擋強烈的陽光。He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.

4. sense of touch 觸覺 sense of sight 視覺 sense of hearing 聽覺

sense of taste 味覺 sense of smell 嗅覺 sense of humour 幽默感

sense of beauty 美感 sense of direction 方向感 sense of urgency 緊迫感

5.a variety of 課文原句

a variety of各種各樣的,多種多樣的

這家商店出售各種各樣的商品。This shop sells a variety of toys.

6. squeeze& over and over again課文原句

1)squeeze v. 壓榨,擠壓,塞進

squeeze out 榨出,擠出 squeeze into 擠進 squeeze…from/ out of從……榨取

① 她把壹個檸檬的汁擠了出來。She squeezed the juice from /out of a lemon.

② 他擠進了擁擠的公***汽車。He squeezed himself into a crowded bus.

2) over and over again

2)over and over again = again and again, 壹再,再三,許多次

我再三告誡妳不要那樣做.I’ve told you over and over again not to do that.

7. in place課文原句

in place: 在適當的位置;適宜的


You’d better put things back in place. Otherwise, it will be difficult to find things.

知識拓展: in place 在適當的位置,適當 out of place不在適當的位置,不適當

in place of 代替 take the place of 代替

短語翻譯 1.阻止(某人)做……___________________________

2.觸感_____________________________ 3.擠出;榨出______________________



8.許多,大量_________________________9.自豪___________________________ 10.砍掉,砍伐____________________


1. He suddenly________ _________ __________ _______(昨晚他突然病了)。

2. Sunglasses can_______ ________ ________ _________ the sun' s rays (保護我們的眼睛免受…… )。

3. You may __________ ______________(燙傷) by hot liquids.

4. These burns are not serious and they should______ ______ -______ ______ ________ _______ ___________(壹天之內就會好許多)。

5. First degree burns __________ ___________when they are pressed(變成白色)。



1. prevent sb from doing sth 2. sense of touch 3. squeeze out 4. in place

5. over and over again 6. carry out 7. put one‘s hands on

8. a number of 9. be proud of 10. cut off


1. fell ill last night 2. protect our eyes from 3. get burnt

4. feel better within a day or two 5. turn white

Unit 5 First aid- Discovering useful structures




1. 省略主語

1)(I) Beg your pardon.

2)(It) Sounds like a good idea

2. 省略謂語或謂語的壹部分

1)(Is) Anybody here?

2)(Is there) Anything I can do for you?

3. 省略賓語

A: Where has Mr. Smith gone?

B: Sorry, I don’t know (where he has gone.)


1)(Are you) Hungry?

2)(I want) Orange juice, please.5.省略不定式後省略動詞

A: Would you like to come to the party?

B: I’d love to (come the party.)

Now it’s your turn to find out what have been left out.

1. Haven’t seen you for ages.→I haven’t seen you for ages.

2. Some more tea? →Would you like some more tea?

3. Sounds like a good idea. →That / It sounds like a good idea.

4. Doesn’t matter. →It doesn’t matter.

5. Sorry to hear that. →I’m sorry to hear that.

6. Pity you couldn’t come. →It’s/ What a pity you couldn’t come.

7. This way, please. →Come this way, please.

8. Terrible weather! →What terrible weather it is!

9. Joining us for a drink? → Are you joining us for a drink?

10. Going to the supermarket→Are you going to the supermarket?


當狀語從句的主語和主句的主語壹致時,可以省略狀語從句中的主語和系動詞be, 這時從句中可出現如下結構:

①連詞(as, as if, once+名詞)

Once (he was) a teacher, he now works in a government office.

②連詞(though, whether, when)+形容詞

Work hard when (you are) young ,or you’ll regret.

③連詞(when, while, though)+現在分詞

While (I was) walking along the street, I heard my name called.

④連詞(when, if ,even if, unless, once, until, than, as)+過去分詞

⑤連詞(as if, as though)+不定式

He opened his mouth as if (he were) to speak.


①在 expect, forget, hope, intend, like, love, mean, prefer, refuse, seem, try, want, wish等後面。如:

I asked him to see the film,but he didn’t want to.

②在have, need, ought, be going, used等後面。

③在某些形容詞pleased, glad, happy 等後面。

--Will you join the game?

--I’d be glad to.

④否定形式的省略用not to。

如果不定式中含有be, have, have been,通常保留be, have,和have been 。如:

--He hasn’t finished yet.

--Well, he ought to have.

2、-Does your brother intend to study German?

-Yes, he intends______.

A / B to C so D that


解析 intend to 後省略了study German。

3、-Would you like to go to the Grand Theatre with me tonight?


A Yes, I’d like to go to the Grand Theatre

B I’d like to, but I have an exam tomorrow

C No, I won’t

D That’s right


解析 I’d like to 後省略了go to the Grand Theatre。

4、-You should have thanked her before you left.

-I meant_____, but when I was leaving, I couldn’t find her

anywhere. (2000北京春)

A to do B to C doing D doing to

答案: B


so或not代替上文內容,與動詞believe,do,expect,fear,guess,hope,speak,suppose,think及 I’m afraid 等連用。

註意;hope只用I hope not不能用I don’t hope so。


1、-After living in a village for so long, Kathy won’t want to move to a big city.

-I don’t imagine_____. (07.武漢質檢)

A. so B. too C. it D. that


2、Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost._____, their political influence should be very great. (2006廣東)

A. As a result B.As usual C. Even so D. So far


解析 Even so, 即使這樣。

3、-You haven’t lost the ticket, have you?

— ___. I know it’s not easy to get another one the moment. (2004江蘇)

A I hope not B Yes, I have C I hope so D Yes, I’m afraid so

答案: A

解析: 根據it’s not easy to get another one at the moment 可知說話者很珍惜。

4、-The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they?


A I guess not so B I don’t guess C I don’t guess so D I guess not


解析: I don’t guess so.相當於I don’t think so.。



He has made greater progress than (he did) before/ever.

He came home earlier than (he was) expected.

She works as hard as young people.


1. George offered a better suggestion to me than_____. (06.中山第壹學期期末)

A Henry did to Smith B. that of Smith’s

C. Michael’s D. what Charlie offered to me


解析: 在than 後完整的句子為Henry offered a suggestion to Smith

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