當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 網絡軟體 - before的用法?


Before 在英語中是壹個比較常用的虛詞,它既可作介詞或副詞用,也可作從屬連詞用。

1. prep. 在......以前,強調時間

He came to see me the day before yesterday. 他前天來看我了。

2. prep. 在......前面,當著......的面,向......,強調地點

She has to appear before the court. 她必須出庭受審。

3. prep. 在......之前,先於,強調次序

Those with babies can get on the bus before others. 帶小孩的人可以先上汽車。

4. prep. 與其......(寧願)

I\'d shoot myself before I apologized to him! 我寧死也不向他道歉!

5. adv. 以前,強調時間

We\'ve seen that film before. 我們以前看過那場電影。

6. adv. 在前面,向前,強調位置

Don\'t run before and after. 別跑前跑後。

7. conj. 在......前,強調時間


1. 趁......

You should do it before it is too late. 趁現在還不算太晚,妳應該趕快做它。

2. 尚未來得及

Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 她還沒有來得及動彈,就聽見有很響的聲音,接著就成了可怕的隆隆轟鳴聲。

Before they reached the house, a new great wave came, sweeping down trees, and sweeping them down too. 他們還沒到屋子,又壹個巨浪打來,沖倒了樹,也沖倒了他們。

3. 要......先......

You should be a pupil before you become a teacher. 要當老師,先作學生。

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