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timestamp data是什麽類型數據,在delphi中怎樣把它插入


TTimeStamp represents time and date values.



Delphi syntax:


TTimeStamp = record

Time: Integer;

Date: Integer;


C++ syntax:

struct TTimeStamp


int Time;

int Date;

} ;


Use TTimeStamp to represent date and time values when a great deal of accuracy is required for the time portion. When the time values do not need to be precise to the millisecond, use the more compact TDateTime representation. If additional precision is needed, use TSQLTimeStamp (but do NOT assign it to a Variant).

The Time field species the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since midnight.

The Data field indicates the number of calendar days since the start of the calendar (the number of days since 1/1/0001 plus one).

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