當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 網站源碼 - VB的combobox控件實現代碼


Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim i As Integer, S As String

For i = 0 To Combo1.ListCount - 1

If InStr(1, Combo1.List(i), Combo1.Text, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then '如果組合框中已經存在該字母

MsgBox "該字母已存在!", , "提示"

Exit Sub

End If


Combo1.AddItem Combo1.Text '否則追加數據到列表尾部

End Sub


Dim i As Integer, S As String

For i = 0 To Combo1.ListCount - 1

s= Combo1.List(i)

msgbox "第" & i & "條記錄是:" s

End If


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