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'dlgCommonDialog為對話框控件名 部件中引用micr. common dialog control 6.0 可以使用該控件



Private Sub cmdChose_Click()

With dlgCommonDialog

.DialogTitle = "打開到XML文件:"

.CancelError = False

.Filter = "文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt|所有格式(*.*)|*.*"

.InitDir = App.Path

.FileName = ""


' .DefaultExt

If Len(.FileName) = 0 Then

Exit Sub

End If

TxtFilePath.Text = .FileName

Dim aline As String

Open .FileName For Binary As #1

aline = String((LOF(1)), Chr(0))

Get #1, , aline

Close #1


If InStr(aline, Text1.Text) > 0 Then


MsgBox "找到該字符串"

Dim cmdstr As String


cmdstr = "notepad.exe " & .FileName

Shell cmdstr


MsgBox "未找到該字符串"

End If

End With

End Sub

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