當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 行動軟體 - be incompatible with是什麽意思

be incompatible with是什麽意思



1、Work order systems used by one department might be incompatible with those used by another.


2、But I think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except inrare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness.


3、It is not inconceivable that the inflation genie is already out of the bottle and willhave to be put back with a more assertive credit tightening that may be incompatiblewith a tightly controlled exchange rate.


4、If you must make a change that would be incompatible with a released version, forwhatever reason, then there is a back door of temporarily disabling this constraint.


5、Finally, there is a chance that the form factor of the disks will be incompatible withthe new hardware, completely ruling out this option altogether.


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