當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 行動軟體 - 英文報價單備註如何用英文表示?



1.This quotation is valid from Oct.1,2006.(period of validity:three months,amendment of unit price will be adviced.)

2.Oder of above products is effective when receiving your order sheet by fax,which indicate order volumn,unit price,delivery time and payment term.

3.please settle the payment to us within the payment period listed above.We will stop spply in case payment exceed the time limit and resume when receive all the payment from your side.

4.Due to the limit application of above products,please test it before production in order to avoid any loss it may cause.

5.For the details of our products,please consult with our business department.

  • 上一篇:開發金融類的APP,大概需要多少錢
  • 下一篇:限速器是什麽意思
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