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1.他的對手認為他固執、教條而且死板。His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible

2.課程設置過於狹窄和死板。The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid

3.老舊的組織方式對於現代市場和員工預期來說都過於死板,而團隊組織方式正是由這種觀念驅動的。The fashion for teams is driven by a sense that the old way of organising people is too rigid for both the modern marketplace and the expectations of employees

4. 他通過給舞臺壹種更有深度的感覺來做到這壹點,他裁剪了壹些死板的背景風景,並把它放在距離觀眾不同的角度和距離。He accomplished this by giving the stage a greater feeling of depth, which he did by cutting up some of the rigid background scenery and placing it at various angles and distances from the audience

5.學校將非常死板的生活方式強加給學生。The school imposes a very regimented lifestyle on its students

6. 說了這麽多,其實沒有什麽比《諾頓英國文學選集》更死板,或者更沈悶的了。Having said that, there's really nothing so dead as The Norton Anthology of English Literature, or ponderous.

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