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詞組and固定搭配 be in trouble/wait for/no one/all the time/at the end /as soon as/laugh at/hope to/well done/no wonder/just a little/help yourself/be famous for/a few /full of/pick up/either or /do with/a bit be excite about/be worryed about/for years/next time /hear from/poor thing/do your best/look after/have a rest/

句型it is great to see sb./doing thing the right way/sb. be in trouble/there is the bell/sb told(asked) sb. to do /they can if they like /sb. want to be+職業/become+職業/It is time to do sth./Would you like some ---/no thank you,but ***/yes please,just a little/It's time for**/help sb. to sth菜./have you ever been to **/i have been to **/Hold on a minute /Would you please get ticket for us /sb.have done(過去分詞) **//be as +形容詞+as+比較對象/sb.have just done(過去分詞) sth./It's important(/difficult/interesting) to do ***/Can you say that again /can you tell me the way to**/could you speak a little more slowly/sb. was born in ***/how many(much/long) hace you ***/what do you do==how can you do it /

固定搭配(be,to do,doing等)

只能+to do的choose decide ask plan hope wish

只能+doing的practise finish enjoy keep miss

兩者都可以的stop learn forget like love start begin 但意思不壹定壹樣

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