當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 行動軟體 - 社區誌願者英文


社區誌願者的英文是community volunteers。




1、Quite a bit of those databases' contents were contributed by volunteers in the early days when Gracenote was just CDDB.(在Gracenote只擁有CDDB的早期,誌願者貢獻了這些數據庫的相當壹部分內容。)

2、Secondly, it is possible that the results simply reflected the general health status and underlying disease of the volunteers.(其次,它是有可能的結果只是反映了壹般健康狀況和潛在疾病的誌願者。)

3、He also exercised five days a week, volunteered at his church and forced himself to make social plans.(他依然堅持每周鍛煉五天。他還成為了壹名教堂誌願者,強迫自己參加壹些社交活動。)

4、While he awaits word from his employer, Mr. Miura plans to follow his friends' example and volunteer to help people rebuild their homes.(三浦呦等著他老板的消息,也壹邊打算追隨他的朋友們,當個誌願者,幫助受災民眾重建家園。)

5、"We do not place Peace Corps volunteers in unsafe environments, " he said.(“我們不會將和平隊的誌願者投放於不安全的環境中,”他說道。)

6、When he gave his volunteers salty foods, he figured that the supertasters wouldn't want too much of it.(當他讓他的誌願者品嘗鹹味食品時,他覺得味覺超敏感者應該不會吃很多。)

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