當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 行動軟體 - 怎麽用英文形容文女孩子百變?急急急(加分)


1. 讓我們看看她甜美亦性感的百變俏發秀!

Let us see her melting also sexy 100 become spruce hair is beautiful!


2. 音樂會被命名"百變梅艷芳-再展光華演唱會"。

The concert was titled "Ever-changing Anita - Showing all her Glamour".


3. 今年48歲的麥當娜出道20年以來,形象壹直是百變多樣。

The 48-year-old was honored for a career which has spanned two decades and countless different looks.


4. 名副其實的百變天後王菲,每每出場都能聚集所有的閃光燈與目光。

The king after the 100 change of weather of be worthy of the name poors, often come on the stage can collect all flashlight and look.


5. 若種出了愛好,數百種不同香味的薄荷,還等著妳進入百變的嗅覺世界呢!

It looks down on an eye suddenly, grow however exuberant and aroma is powerful, call a person carelessly difficult also.


6. 記:梅艷芳在電影裏也形象百變,是否因為妳為她在舞臺上設計的形象多變?

Reporter: Images of Anita Mui in films changed too, is it because of her changing images on stage that created by you?


7. 廣西南寧市百變智能有限公司是壹家集生產、銷售、服務於壹體的中型企業。

Guangxi Nanning City entertaining and amazing intelligent Ltd. is a set production, sales, services in a medium-sized enterprises.


8. 從然後在,之上"百變的"變成了她的另壹個形象標誌,成為了流行的皇後。

From then on, "Ever-changing" became another trademark of hers, establishing her status as the pop queen.


9. 在很多人的第壹印象中,梅艷芳是壹個被冠以“東方麥當娜”稱號的“百變女郎”。

Anita Mui has been titled as [Madonna of the East], a girl with ever changing images is the first impression she gives to many people .


10. 林:壹直以來梅艷芳形象百變,大家當她是很「潮」的人,實際上沒創造太多潮流。

Lam: All the time Anita Mui's image changed. People took her as a trendy person. In fact she never created trend.


11. 想換個新發式,也可以「不求人」,由自己動手也可創造百變形象,既經濟又樂在其中!

You can have real fun - and save a lot of money - by creating your own new hairstyle helped by the Satinique range of hairstyling products.


12. 其中開放式廚房的設置以及客房和公***洗手間的改造都傳達了開發商最初的意圖:百變空間。

In the design, the open style. kitchen and the renovation of the guesthouse and public washroom all succeed in the conveying of the developer's original intention: the fully flexible space.


13. 歌手麥當娜被公認為百變天後,從性感的服裝、挑逗性的情歌到東方神秘主義和猶太教,她都壹壹嘗試。

Madonna the singer is known as a chameleon, morphing from sexy outfits and suggestive lyrics to Eastern mysticism and Judaism.


14. 色彩百變的眼部化妝仍是02年春夏化妝的重點,金色的暖襯上紫色的冷,突出眼及唇部的性感與美姿!

For this dewy makeup look, the eyes and lips are balanced in warm golden tones with just a hint of a cool violet shade giving definition to the eyes.


15. 加上可以有機會看到香港大制作的室內演唱會和梅姐引以為豪的百變造型,年輕人壹定也不舍得放棄這樣機會的。

Moreover, it is a chance to see a real large production of an indoor concert, and the ever changing images of Mui Tzai, young people definitely would not let go this opportunity.


16. 百變組合是壹款競賽遊戲:當骰子擲出時,看誰最先找到由骰子擲出來的組合圖形,並最先把手上膠片放到對應的遊戲板上。

Mix n Match is a race game to see who can find the correct combinations first and place their corresponding chips on the right game board when the dice are thrown.


17. 莫萬丹中西合璧的面孔或冷艷高傲,或天真爛漫,頗似百變女郎,但不管怎麽變,那種與生俱來的高雅的氣質是始終如壹的。

The face of match well of Mo Modan Chinese and Western or Leng Yan are arrogant, or childlike, be like quite 100 change young woman, but how to change without giving thought to, the sort of inherent decorous temperament is constant.


18. 擔任其中三組大片的聞名造型師航悅透露,在這些專題大片中,靚穎除延續清新感覺之外,還會以熱烈、濃郁的百變造型出現。

Hold the position of among them Shi Hangyue discloses 3 groups of big famous modelling, in these special topic are big in, beautiful clever divide continuance besides pure and fresh feeling, still meet with enthusiastic, full-bodied 100 falsification model appear.


19. 演唱自己的多首經典名曲時,梅艷芳也不再以“百變妖姬”的形象出現,改為穿上壹身端莊旗袍,顯示出對歌曲及對自己的敬意。

When she was singing her classic famous slow songs, instead of a sexy appearance, Anita Mui changed to a elegant Chinese chuengshan, showing respect to not only those songs but to herself as well.


20. 這次的系列也是洗發精的,不過是跟修護頭發有關,光是造型就弄了好幾種,花了好多的時間拍攝,希望妳們會喜歡我的百變造型!

This time, its also a shampoo ad, but it is about taking care of your hair, the stles alone took a few hours and we spent alot of time shooting too, i hope all fo you will like my every-changing styles!


21. 這不僅指她那些令人應接不暇、眼花繚亂、火爆十足的肢體語言和舞臺表演,還指她從“壞女孩”到“妖女”再到“淑女”的百變風貌。

This is because of her body language and her stage performance, and her image changed from "bad girl" to "witch girl" and then to "a lady" .


22. 架有限公司是以制造生產及銷售生產非標貨架、倉儲架、模具架、擱樓貨架、超市架、服裝貨架、衣架、精美展架、百變架、音像架、書架、鞋架。

Huasheng Shelf Company Ltd. is mainly manufacturing &trading in commercial exhibition equipments &series products.Our major products are large supermarket shelfs, heavy &light stock shelf, clothes shelf on saling position, exhibition shelf and other relevant series.


23. 深圳市華盛貨架有限公司是以制造生產及銷售生產非標貨架、倉儲架、模具架、擱樓貨架、超市架、服裝貨架、衣架、精美展架、百變架、音像架、書架、鞋架。

Shenzhen Huasheng Shelf Company Ltd. is mainly manufacturing &trading in commercial exhibition equipments &series products.Our major products are large supermarket shelfs, heavy &light stock shelf, clothes shelf on saling position, exhibition shelf and other relevant series.


24. 詹妮弗·洛佩茲與琳賽·羅翰壹向以百變的靚麗造型而著稱,但她們都不約而同地選擇了壹種經典的、中部成拱形的眉毛,這種眉形可以與她們的任何造型相搭配。

Jennifer Lopez and Lindsay Lohan (right) are known for their ever-changing looks, but their eyebrows are a classic, medium arch that go with any outfit.


25. 石獅漢生五金貨架有限公司是以制造生產及銷售生產非標貨架、倉儲架、模具架、擱樓貨架、超市架、服裝貨架、衣架、精美展架、百變架、音像架、書架、鞋架。

Hanshen Shelf Company Ltd. is mainly manufacturing &trading in commercial exhibition equipments &series products.Our major products are large supermarket shelfs, heavy &light stock shelf, clothes shelf on saling position, exhibition shelf and other relevant series.


26. 《聯合晚報》消息:“雖然大家都冠予我‘天後’或‘百變女神’的稱號,但我從來不覺得自己是什麽天後,我還是壹個簡單的女人,這些稱號都是人家為我取的。”

[Though everybody call me Pop Queen or Goddess with ever changing images, I never feel in that way. I am just a simple woman.


27. 這款輕便的毛衫以寬大的豎織紋路為細節裝飾,非常符合男生穿著風格。半開口的前領有碩大的銀色環絆,能輕松地將開領變成豎領,讓您形象瞬間改變,百變天王就是妳了!

Midweight sweater detailed with a wide rib-knit. The half-placket front closes with oversized silver-tone ring snaps, transforming the open collar into a turtleneck.


28. 雖然形態是趨向少女的娃娃剪裁,但氣質卻是百變的:既有性感而有型的迷妳系列,也有青春的泡泡和碎花,甚至有懷舊搶眼的幾何元素,而不再只限於以往的女性化嬌媚意境。

Although configuration is the baby clipping of incline to girl, but temperament is however 100 change: Have sex appeal already and confuse your series handsomely, also have green hubble-bubble and broken flower, have even nostalgic the geometrical element that grabs an eye, and no longer be confined to before Nancy namby-pamby artistic conception.


29. 功效:彈性塑型配方,隨意變出彈性和動感的時尚發型,持久保持燙發後不同層次的3D動感效果,讓百變造型達到光澤和線條感,使發根輕盈富有彈性,更易塑造富層次及卷曲度的發型、卷曲魅力,隨我演繹。

Effficacy: elastic styling formula, creat elastic and active fashion style as you like, longtime keeping the different levels of 3D effect after marcel, let the multivariant style reached luster and straightness, make your hair root lightness and full of elasticity, more easier to creat levels and curl style, curl charm, deduct follow me.

30. 低調不屬於夏天,旅行包,超大手袋,楔底鞋,寬腰帶,大手鐲,太陽鏡肆意張揚,配件占據身體的比例再次被無限放大,裝飾主義的浪潮無可反抗,XXL的體量或層層疊加的組合,誇張出都會女郎的百變摩登。

Low-key do not belong to summer, gripesack, exceed big vanity, wedge bottom shoe, obi, big bracelet, sunglass is wanton make public, fittings holds the scale of the body to be magnified indefinitely again, the tide that decorates creed is not had can keep out, the combination of the system capacity of XXL or layer upon layer overlay, hyperbole gives metropolis young woman 100 change fashionable.

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