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1. I forbid you maidens all

And a warning take by me

Don't go down to the Chaser's wood

If a maid you want to return, return

If a maid you want to return.

2. Lady Margaret, Lady Margaret, she's sitting in her bower

She as red as any rose

And she's longed to go the Chaser's woods

To pull them flowers that grow, grow

to pull them flowers that grow

3. Now she taken out her silver comb

Made haste to comb her hair

And she's gone down to the Chaser's wood

As fast as she could tear, could tear

as fast as she could tear

4. But she hadn't pulled but the one red rose

The rose that grows there in the green

When a voice said, "Lady, how you dare touch a rose

Without no leave of me, of me,

without no leave of me."

5. "This rose it is my very own

My father he gave it to me.

and I'll bend and I'll pull and I'll break the branch

And I won't ask leave of thee, of thee,

no I won't ask leave of thee."

6. He's taken her by the middle so small

Down to where the grass it grows so green

And what he done, well I just couldn't say

But he never once asked her leave, her leave

He never once asked her leave.

7. Four and twenty ladies, all sitting in the hall

All playing at the chess

All except for a young Margaret

She's green as any grass, any grass,

she's green as any grass.

8. Yes, there's four and twenty ladies, all sitting in the hall

All as red as the rose

All except for a young Margaret

Pale and wan she goes, she goes

pale and wan she goes.

9. Well, up there spoke one of them girls

And on her face was a smile

"I think my lady's loved a little long

And now she goes with child, with child

Yes, and now she goes with child."

10. Up there spoke another of them girls

A pretty little girl was she

"I know a herb growing in the Chaser's woods

That'll twine the babe from thee, from thee

That will twine the babe from thee."

11. Lady Margaret, she's taken out her silver comb

Made haste to comb her hair

And she's gone down to the Chaser's wood

As fast as she could tear, could tear

as fast as she could tear.

12. But she hadn't pulled but the one bit o' herb

The herb that grows there in the loam

When up there spoke young Tam Lin

Saying, "Margaret, leave it alone

Oh, sweetheart, Margaret, leave it alone."

13. "Why do you want that bitter, bitter herb

The herb that grows there in the grey

Except to twine away the pretty little babe

We got in our play, our play,

That we got in our play?"

14. "Oh tell me this, Tam Lin," she says

"If a mortal man you be?"

"Well, I'll tell you truth without the word of a lie

I got christened as good as thee, as thee

I got christened as good as thee."

15. "But as I rode out on a bitter, bitter day

'Twas from my horse I fell

And the Queen of the Elvens did take me

In yonder green wood to dwell, to dwell

in yonder green wood to dwell."

16. "And it's every seventh seventh year

We pay toll to hell ans the last one here is the first to go.

And I fear the toll, it's meself, it's meself

Yes, I fear the toll's meself."

17. "Oh, tonight it is the Halloween

When the Elven Court shall ride

And if you would your true lover save

By the old mill bridge you must hide, you must hide

By the old mill bridge you must hide."

18. First there'll come the black horse

And it's then there'll come the brown

they'll both race by the white

You must throw your arms up around my neck

And I must not hear afright, afright

I must not hear afright."

19. "And they'll change me then, and it's all in your arms

to many's the beasts wild

You must hold me tight, you must fear me not

I'm the father of your child,

you know that I'm the father of your child."

20. Well the woods grew dark, and the woods grew dim

Tam Lin he was gone.

And she's picked up her little white feet

And to the old mill-bridge she has run now, she has run

To the old mill-bridge she has run.

21. But she looked high, and she looked low

She compassed all around

But she nothing saw, she nothing heard

She heared no mortal sound, no sound

she heard no mortal sound.

22. Untill the darkest hour of that night

She heard the bridles ring

It chilled her heart, gave her a start

More than any mortal thing, any thing

More than any mortal thing.

23. First there came the black horse,

then there came the brown

They both race by the white

She threw her arms up around his neck

And he did not her afright, and afright

he did not her afright.

24. Then thunder roared across the sky

And the stars burnt as bright as day

And the Queen of the Elvens give a thrilling cry,

"Tam-a-Lin, he's away, he's away

Tam-a-Lin he's away."

25. Well they changed him then - it was all in her arms

To a lion roaring wild

But she held him tight, she feared him not

He was the father of her child, she knew that he was

The father of her child.

26. Well they changes him again - it was all in her arms

To a big black dog to bite

But she held him tight and she feared him not

He did not hear afright, afright, he did not hear afright

27. And they changed him again - it was all in her arms

To a big black hissing snake

But she held him tight she feared him not

He was one of God's own make, she knew that

He was one of God's own make.

28. And they changed him again - it ws all in her arms

To a white-hot bar of iron

But she held him tight, she feared him not

He'd done to her no harm, no harm

he had done to her no harm.

29. Then they changed him again - it was all in her arms

To a mother-naked man

She threw her cloak around his shoulders,

Saying, "Tam-a-Lin, we've won, love, we've won,"

Saying, "Tam-a-Lin, we've won."

30. Then the Queen of the Elvens, how she cursed young Tam Lin

Oh, how she cursed him good

"I should have torn out your eyes young Tam Lin

I should have put in two eyes of wood, of wood

I should have put in two eyes of wood."

31. "It's curses on you, Tam Lin," she says

"You once was my very own.

And when you were mine, I should have tore out your heart

And put in a heart of stone, cold stone

Yes put in a heart of stone."

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