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Lose heart 和Lose one's heart 的區別

I had lunch at two o'clock today和I had my hunch at two o'clock today都表示同樣的意思,盡管第二句出現了物主代詞,但有人壹粗心會把lose heart寫成lose one's heart來表示“喪失信心”或“情緒低落”。lose one's heart是“愛上了”,需要用介詞to說明愛的對象,如:

①Jim lost his heart to the Persian cat at first sight.


②After graduation he was sent to work in Tibet.Not long afterwards he lost his heart to the people there.


而lose heart總用在出現挫折、失敗的時候,例如:

Don’t lose heart;make another try.



I have been losing my weight in the past two weeks.同樣,“增加體重"put on weight或gain weight也沒有物主代詞。而“丟面子”是lost face,“失去優勢”是lose ground,但“驚慌失措”卻是lose one's head,“發火”是lose one's temper,“迷路”是lose one's way。什麽時候該有,什麽時候不該有物主代詞,是有規律可循的,平時在學習時應多加註意。

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