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Linkin Park的這首Dedicated(Demo 1999)。很不錯,聽著很有感觸。

i have a dream of a scene between the green hills我有壹個存在於綠色山巒間的夢

clouds pull away and the sunlight's revealed雲朵悠閑漂移陽光微露

people don't talk about keeping it real人們不去想如何讓這些變得真實

it's understood that they actually will因為它終究會是那樣

and intoxicated and stimulated emcees興奮和刺激占有主動權

staring in the trees, paranoid, are gone in the breeze凝視著綠樹,偏執著,消逝在風中

watch them flee, hip-hop hits看著它們逃離,HIPPOP還在起作用

take a walk with me and what you'll see跟我走然後妳會看到

is a land where the sand is made up of crushed up wax壹片用碎蠟做成沙子的陸地

and the sky beyond you is krylon blue妳身後的天空是Krylon的藍色

and everybody speaks in a dialect of rhyme每個人都用帶有韻腳的方言在說話

and emcees have left materialism behind them司儀讓唯物主義主宰他們

meanwhile i just grip my mic同時我緊握著我的麥克風

and hope me and my team make it through alright希望我和我的隊伍夥伴們能夠做得很好

because say what you will, and say what you might因為妳如何期待就會成為如何的人

but don't ignore who it's for at the end of the night但是別忽略了那個暗夜盡頭的人

because this is dedicated to the kids因為這就是致力於孩子的世界

dedicated to wherever music lives致力於音樂存在的地方

dedicated to those tired of the same ol' same致力於同樣的疲倦感

and dedicated to the people advancin' the game致力於正在嘗試這遊戲的人們

what's real is the kids who know that something's wrong孩子真實地了解誰是錯的

what's real is the kids who think they don't belong孩子真實地了解他們不被珍惜

what's real is the kids who have nowhere to run孩子真實地無處可躲

who are hiding in the shadows waiting for the sun是誰待在陰暗角落期待光線

i've seen a lot of shit, i've talked to a bum我看過經歷過許多糟糕的事情,我和寄生蟲談過天

out on sunset strip, he asked me "how would you feel當太陽帶走光明,他問我妳感覺如何

if everybody acted like you didn't exist如果每個人都像妳這樣茍且偷生

you'd lose your grip, probably eventually flip."妳失去了妳的吸引力,或許甚至是理智

so let it be known, the only reason that we do this就讓它昭然於天下吧,唯壹的原因就是我們這樣做了

is so you can pick it up and just bang your head to it所以妳撿起它並以頭搶之

while emcees fight to see who can be the commonest司儀將努力分辨誰是最普通的那個

be floatin overhead like a space odyssey monolith漂浮在前方像是冒險旅行中的空間

over seeing the game, over being part of the same ol' thing縱觀這個遊戲,還是如此

it's all gonna change in a hurricane of darkness and pain這些都將在黑暗痛楚的暴風雨中改變

and acidic rain and promises that you won't do it again在酸雨裏承諾妳再也不這樣做

meanwhile i just grip my mic同時我握緊了我的麥克風

and hope me and my team make it through alright希望我和我的隊伍夥伴們能夠做得很好

because say what you will, and say what you might因為妳如何期待就會成為如何的人

but don't ignore who it's for at the end of the night但是別忽略了那個暗夜盡頭的人

because this is dedicated to the kids因為這就是致力於孩子的世界

dedicated to wherever music lives致力於音樂存在的地方

dedicated to those tired of the same ol' same致力於同樣的疲倦感

and dedicated to the people advancin' the game致力於正在嘗試這遊戲的人們

what's real is the kids who know that something's wrong孩子真實地了解誰是錯的

what's real is the kids who think they don't belong孩子真實地了解他們不被珍惜

what's real is the kids who have nowhere to run孩子真實地無處可躲

pulling me close, the shadow is warm inside將我拉近,陰影的裏面很溫暖

this is where i feel at home, this is my place to hide這就是我感覺像是家的地方,這就是我躲藏的地方

pulling me close, the shadow is warm inside將我拉近,陰影的裏面很溫暖

this is where i feel at home, this is my place to hide這就是我感覺像是家的地方,這就是我躲藏的地方

because this is dedicated to the kids因為這就是致力於孩子的世界

dedicated to wherever music lives致力於音樂存在的地方

dedicated to those tired of the same ol' same致力於同樣的疲倦感

and dedicated to the people advancin' the game致力於正在嘗試這遊戲的人們

what's real is the kids who know that something's wrong孩子真實地了解誰是錯的

what's real is the kids who think they don't belong孩子真實地了解他們不被珍惜

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