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英語作文 怎麽拯救我們的星球?80詞以內 速求!!!


A blue planet, in the vast universe, it carries the lives of countless, also recorded the evolution of all things bit by bit. It is human. Animals and plants only home, to know thatscientists have confirmed that, at least in the earth centered 40 millions of kilometers without a suitable for human survival, the second planet. In view of this, the earth is so important for us, we cannot do without it. However, now the earth and the former has had the earth shaking change. The present situation, we have to worry about.

在地圖冊上,我們可以清楚地看出我們的地球被分為七個大陸。但是,妳知道嗎?在這個世界上還存在著第八個大陸。在位於美國西海岸和夏威夷之間,有壹個由400萬噸塑料垃圾組成的島嶼,它的面積相當於兩個美國的得克薩斯州那麽大。在這個地方,由於沒有風所以水流速度相當緩慢,來自各國的垃圾都匯集到這裏。這裏的海域,汙染十分的嚴重,生存在附近的海鳥再也找不到幹凈的食物,海裏的魚兒也從所吃的食物中被重金屬汙染。相信,這裏的生物壹定在心裏懷念著曾經那片幽藍。寬闊的海。作文網 home.sanwen8.cn

On the map, we can see clearly that our earth is divided into seven continents. But, you know? In this world there are eighth continents. In between the USA west coast and Hawaii,has a 4000000 tons of plastic garbage island, its area is equivalent to two America Texas so big. In this place, because there is no wind so the velocity of flow is slow, from various countries refuse all gather here. The waters here, pollution is very serious, living in the vicinity of the birds couldn't find clean food, the fish in the water is from the food they eatcontaminated by heavy metals. Sure, here in the heart of biological certain memories of oncethe blue. The broad sea. Network composition home.sanwen8.cn


The earth is 69% ocean, and the land is only 39%. However, in the past 39% years have 1/3 of the land is desert. The so-called desert vegetation, is broken, the ground is not covered,and through the strong winds and dry weather, green fields gradually disappeared, replace sb. is the stretch as far as eye can see the sand. Excessive grazing, excessive reclamation of farmland, deforestation will cause the land desertification. Every year, there will be 60000square kilometers of land into desert, in the desert, plant almost disappeared, even a drop of water is unlikely. If, as the land desertification speed, one can imagine, one day this beautiful earth will eventually be ruthless sand swallowed.


On this planet, humans are the masters of the most powerful, at the same time, the human is the biggest destroyer. Although these years, many people have joined the ranks of environmental protection, but these are far from enough, to environmental conditions changewe need everyone to work. Composition


When the last rose fades, finally a grass withered, the last drop of water in the dry, finally a piece of blue sky disappeared in the corner of the eye, want to make up, it was too late, the fate of mankind will end in his hands.

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