當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 遊戲軟體 - Mr and Mrs Smith c( ) find anyone to look a( ) the baby t( )him to the cinema .

Mr and Mrs Smith c( ) find anyone to look a( ) the baby t( )him to the cinema .

Mr and Mrs Smith c(annot ) find anyone to look a(fter ) the baby t(aking )[]him to the cinema

The man in the cinema s(miles ),"If the baby cries , I'll g(o) back to you .And you should

l(eave )." N( ) the end of the film , the husband says in a low voice to his wife. "

W( hat ) do you think of the film ?"

"Very b(ad) ," she answer . "Yes ,I think so ," says the husband ." Hit the baby ."


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