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Gastro enter ology:Gastroenterology 胃腸病學

HemostasiB, incision, excision, ablation, coagulation and vaporization of tissue in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts and also with endoscopic procedures. (HemostasiB 沒有見過,是不是打錯了?Hemostasin 是腎上腺素。)內鏡程序下上、下胃腸道組織結構的切除、消融、凝固及汽化

Examples include:舉例如下

Hemostaais of upper and lower GI bleeding (第壹個應該是Hemostasia)上下胃腸道出血的止血

Excision and vaporization of colorectal carcinoma 結腸直腸癌的切除與汽化

Excision of polyps 息肉的切除

General Surgery, Dermatology, Plastic Surgery and Podiatry 普通外科學, 皮膚病學,整形外科學及足醫學

Excision, ablation, vaporization and photocoagulation of skin lesions, hemostasis, 對於皮膚損傷止血的切除、消融、汽化及光凝固法,

incision, excision, vaporization, ablation and debulking of soft tissue, abdominal,開腹手術中軟組織的切除、消融、凝固及汽化(debulk不清楚)

rectal, skin, fat or muscle tissue and dermabrasion. Examples include:直腸、皮膚、脂肪、肌肉組織及皮膚疤痕消除術,舉例如下:

Matrixectomy 指甲去除局部燒灼術?不確定

Excision of neuromas 神經瘤的切除

Excision of periungual and subungual warts 甲周疣和甲下疣的切除

Excision of plantar warts 足底疣的切除

Excision of keloids 瘢痕疙瘩切除術

Liver resection 肝臟切除術

Excision of cutaneous lesions 表皮破損切除

Hemorrhoidectomy 痔瘡切除術

Appendectomy 闌尾切除術

Debridement of decubitus ulcers 褥瘡清創術

Hepatobiliary tumors 肝膽管腫瘤

Mastectomy 乳房切除術

Dermabrasion 皮膚摩擦術

Vaporization and hemostasis of capillary hemangioma 毛細血管瘤的汽化、止血

Excision, vaporization and hemostasis of abdominal tumors腹腔腫瘤的切除、汽化、止血

Excision, vaporization and hemostasis of rectal pathology 直腸病理的切除、汽化、止血

Pilonidal cystectomy 藏毛囊腫切除術

Herniorapphy 疝縫手術


Parathyroidectomy 甲狀旁腺切除術

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 腹腔鏡膽囊切除術

Thyroidectomy 甲狀腺切除術

Resection of organs 器官切除術

Debridement of wounds 清創術

Photoc?agT?auon of teleangectasia of the legs and face?

Photocoagulation of vascular lesions of the face and extremities 顏面四肢血管病變的光凝固法

Endovascular coagulation of the greater saphenous vein of the

thigh in patients with superficial vein reflux.淺靜脈倒流疾病病人大隱靜脈血管內凝血

Treatment of reticular veins and branch varicosities 網狀青絲和分支靜脈曲張的治療


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