當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 遊戲軟體 - 黑道聖徒2修改器怎麽使用?



#1 生命全滿 - 妳的生命值回復100%

#1040 獲得救護車 - 這輛車將會出現在妳的車庫裏.

#1041 獲得Anchor - 這輛車將會出現在妳的車庫裏.

#1042 獲得Atlasbreaker - 這輛車將會出現在妳的車庫裏.

#1043 獲得 Attrazione - 這輛車將會出現在妳的車庫裏.

#1044 獲得Blaze - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1045 獲得Backhoe - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1046 獲得Bagboy - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1047 獲得Baron - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1048 獲得Bear - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1049 獲得Bootlegger - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1050 獲得Bulldog - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1051 獲得Bulldozer - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1052 獲得Compton - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1053 獲得Eiswolf - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1054 獲得FBI - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1055 獲得Five-O(警車) - Puts this vehicle into your vehicle.

#1056 修理車輛 – 使妳的車煥然壹新.

#1057 獲得 Hollywood - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1058 獲得 Justice - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1059 獲得 Kent - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1060 獲得 Mag - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1061 獲得 Longhauler - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1062 獲得 Mongoose - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1063 獲得 Oring - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1064 獲得 Phoenix - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1065 獲得 Quasar - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1066 獲得 Quota - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1067 獲得 Rampage - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1068 獲得 Raycaster - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1069 獲得 Reaper - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1070 獲得 Septic Avenger - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1071 獲得 Shaft - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1072 獲得 Stilwater Municipal - Puts this vehicle into your vehicle.

#1073 獲得 Superiore - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1074 獲得 出租車 - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1075 獲得 The Job - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1076 獲得 Titan - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1077 獲得 Toad - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1078 獲得 Varsity - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1079 獲得 Venom Classic - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1080 獲得 Vortex - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#1081 獲得 Zenith - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#11 無限彈藥 – 所有武器彈藥無限.

#12 升天 – 讓死人都升天.

#1200 現在是晌午- 設定目前時間為中午.

#15 醉鬼滿街 - 所有人都喝高了.

#16 邪惡交通 – 所有的車輛都試圖碾壓妳.

#18 低重力- Stilwaters的重力降低至1/4.

#19 街頭暴動- 仇視,憤怒,痛苦,街上每個人都不懷好意.

#2 巨無霸 – 妳的車輛體型巨大碾壓壹切.

#20 Raining Pedestrians - Hallelujah it’s raining peds.

#200 我是泰坦 – 妳吃下神奇綠豆,變得巨大.

#201 Itty Bitty - Homie you shrunk yourself.

#202 統統縮小 – 全世界所有人都縮水拉.

#2400 現在是半夜- 設定目前時間為半夜.

#3 屍骨遍野 - 秒殺.

#35 急火對象 - 每用壹次,增加壹顆派系通緝等級.

#36 永生 – 妳不會死亡.

#4 頭號通緝犯 -每用壹次,增加壹顆警察通緝等級.

#4976 Gyro Daddy - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#5 Player Pratfalls - Use triggers to pratfall like in Insurance Fraud.

#50 銷聲匿跡 – 移除所有警察通緝等級.

#51 和平大使 - 移除所有派系通緝等級.

#6 精力無限 – 疾跑無限制.

#666 天譴 – 打雷啦!

#7 超級炸彈 – 爆炸效果增加4倍.

#711 獲得 Horizon - Puts this vehicle in your garage.

#712 獲得Snipes 57 - Puts this vehicle in your garage.

#713 獲得Tornado - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#714 獲得Wolverine - Puts this vehicle in your garage.

#7266837 獲得Peewee - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#728237 獲得Destroy - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#78665 陰雲霧靄 – 更改當前天氣.

#78666 大雨傾盆 - 更改當前天氣.

#78668 柔情細雨 - 更改當前天氣.

#78669 萬裏無雲 - 更改當前天氣.

#8 Super Saints - The Saints are bad muthas.

#801 獲得Kaneda - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#802 獲得Kenshin - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#803 獲得Melbourne - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#804 獲得Sabretooth - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#805 獲得Sandstorm - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#806 獲得Widowmaker - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#825 獲得Hurricane - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#826 獲得Miami - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#827 獲得Python - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#828 獲得Shark - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#829 獲得Skipper - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

#9 超級彈夾- 妳不再需要重新裝彈.

#920 獲得 12 Gauge – 增加該種武器至物品清單.

#921 獲得44 -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#922 獲得AR200 -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#923 獲得AR-50 -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#924 獲得AR-50/grenade launcher -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#925 獲得AS14 Hammer -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#926 獲得Baseball Bat(球棒) -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#927 獲得Chainsaw(鏈鋸) -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#928 獲得Fire Extinguisher(滅火器) -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#929 獲得Flame Thrower(燃燒瓶) -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#930 獲得Flashbang(閃光彈) -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#931 獲得GAL43 -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#932 獲得GDHC -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#933 獲得Grenade(手雷) -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#934 獲得Kobra -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#935 獲得K6 -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#936 獲得Knife(小刀) -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#937 獲得

#938 獲得McManus 2010 -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#939 獲得Mini-gun(小型機關槍) -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#940 獲得Molotov -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#941 獲得Nightstick -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#942 獲得NR4 -增加該種武器至物品清單.

#943 獲得Pepperspray(胡椒噴霧器) - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#944 獲得Pimp Cane - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#945 獲得Pipebomb - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#946 獲得RPG - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#947 獲得Annihilator RPG - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#948 獲得Samurai Sword(武士刀) - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#949 獲得 Satchel Charge(炸藥包) - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#950 獲得 Shock Paddles - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#951 獲得 SKR-9 - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#952 獲得 Sledgehammer - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#953 獲得 Stungun - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#954 獲得 T3K - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#955 獲得 Crowbar(撬棍) - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#956 獲得 Tombstone(墓碑) - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#957 獲得 VICE9 - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#958 獲得 XS-2 Ultimax - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

#969 獲得 Pimp Slap - Adds this weapon to your inventory.

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