當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 遊戲軟體 - 有關希臘神話人物Cassandra的傳說


Cassandra,卡珊德拉或翻譯為凱珊卓,希臘文:Κασσ?νδρα。特洛伊國王普裏阿摩斯(King Priam)的女兒。古希臘神話中又壹個可憐的悲劇人物。 (古希臘神話之所以那麽震撼,就在於他的悲劇基調,這樣的基調是用於古希臘人對命運的認識。他們認為命運產生悲劇,命運的主宰是連眾神之神的宙斯都無能為力的) Cassandra作為祭祀住在阿波羅神殿裏,她的美貌打動了阿波羅,於是阿波羅賦予她預言的能力。(還有壹種傳說是:Cassandra住在阿波羅神廟裏,有壹天晚上,壹條神廟裏的蛇在Cassandra熟睡中舔了她的耳朵,從此,Cassandra便可以聽到未來了。)作為回報,阿波羅向Cassandra提出發生肉體關系的要求,結果被Cassandra拒絕了。阿波羅壹怒下向她施以詛咒:凡她說出口的預言將百發百中,然而誰也不信以為真,她的預言能力將成為她日後無盡痛苦的根源。在戲劇 《阿加門農》中,此故事似乎被描述為Cassandra曾許諾阿波羅,她願意做阿波羅的妻子,但是Cassandra並沒有遵守諾言,所以她遭受了懲罰。 Cassandra在特洛伊被破城之前,預言過特洛伊木馬計,以及阿迦門農之死和自己的終結。正因為她擁有預知能力卻沒有人相信她,她對此無能為力,才感到痛苦萬分。 在特洛伊戰爭之後,Cassandra避難於雅典娜神廟,但卻遭到小埃阿斯Ajax the Lesser 強暴(可憐的女人啊)。前面的朋友說阿迦門農殺死了小埃阿斯,但是還有壹個版本是說小埃阿斯是被海神波塞冬殺死的,或者又說是被雅典娜殺死的。 而Cassandra的去世,也有兩種說法:壹說她在希臘艦隊歸航途中船沈喪命,另壹說認為她被克呂泰涅斯特拉殺害。 In Greek mythology, Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. Her beauty caused Apollo to grant her the gift of prophecy. However, when she did not return his love, Apollo placed a curse on her so that no one would ever believe her predictions. In an alternative version, she spent a night at Apollo's temple with her twin brother Helenus, at which time the temple snakes licked her ears clean so that she was able to hear the future. This is a recurring theme in Greek mythology, though sometimes it brings an ability to understand the language of animals rather than an ability to know the future.[2] Apollo loved Cassandra and when she did not return his love, he cursed her so that her gift would become a source of endless pain and frustration. In some versions of the myth, this is symbolized by the god spitting into her mouth; in other Greek versions, this act was sufficient to remove the gift so recently given by Apollo, but Cassandra's case varies. From the play Agamemnon, it appears that she made a promise to Apollo to become his cons

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