當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 遊戲軟體 - 激光 英文

激光 英文

激光 英文如下:


1、A novel measuring instrument of coaxality error is presented, in which?laser light?is used as foundational axis of measurement, CCD to measure the position change of the center of hole and computer to collect and deal with data.介紹了壹種新型的同軸度測量儀,該測量儀以激光作為測量的基準軸線,利用CCD-光電耦合器件測量軸孔孔心的位置變化,由計算機采集和處理數據。

2、The Reconfigurable Multifunction Laser Processing System Based on the Optimal Slice Process.基於最優切片工藝的可重構多功能激光加工系統。

3、A weapon which combines the power and penetration of radiation with the precision of the laser.壹種將輻射能量和穿透力與激光精確性結合起來的武器。

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