當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 遊戲軟體 - 求莎拉布萊曼“榮譽至上”的歌詞拜托各位大神


歌詞: A Question Of Honour Ebbene? ... N'andrò lontana, 馬上?...我就要遠去 Come va l'eco della pia campana, 就讓那 虔誠 的鐘聲回蕩四周 Là, fra la neve bianca 回 蕩在那 白色的雪中 Là, fra le nubi d'or 回 蕩在那 金色的雲朵裏 Là, dov'è la speranza, la speranza 回蕩 在那飄渺的 希望之中 Il rimpianto, il rimpianto, e il dolor! 到處都是 遺憾,悔恨和(無盡的)悲傷 Ebbene? ... N'andrò lontana, 馬上?...我就要遠去 Là, dov'è la speranza, la speranza 在那 虛無和縹緲 的希望 Il rimpianto 和悲哀之中 Sola e lontana! 孤獨的遠去! Two men collide 兩雄相爭 When two men collide, when two men collide It's a question of honour 壹場榮譽的對決 Two men collide When two men collide, when two men collide It's a question of honour Two men collide When two men collide, when two men collide If you win or you lose, 不管妳 是贏或輸 It's a question of honour 為了榮 譽要奮鬥 And the way that you choose, 我明白 是妳選擇 It's a question of honour 為了榮 譽而奮鬥 I can't tell what's wrong or right 我不 知道 什麽是 If black is white or day is night 黑白不分 是非顛倒 But I know when two men collide 但 我明白 兩雄相爭 It's a question of honour 誓為 榮譽 而奮鬥 If you win or you lose, 不管妳 是贏或輸 It's a question of honour 為了榮 譽要奮鬥 And the way that you choose, 我明白 是妳選擇 It's a question of honour 為了榮 譽而奮鬥 If you win or you lose, 不管妳 是贏或輸 It's a question of honour 為了榮 譽要奮鬥 And the way that you choose, 我明白 是妳選擇 It's a question of honour 為了榮 譽而奮鬥 I can't tell what's wrong or right 我不 知道 什麽是 If black is white or day is night 黑白不分 是非顛倒 But I know when two men collide 但 我明白 兩雄相爭 It's a question of honour 誓為 榮譽 而奮鬥 Ebbene? ... N'andrò lontana, 馬上?...我就要遠去 Come va l'eco della pia campana, 就讓那虔誠的鐘聲回蕩四周 Là, fra la neve bianca 回蕩在那白色的雪中 Là, fra le nubi d'or 回蕩在那金色的雲朵裏 N'andrò, n'andrò sola e lontana! 我馬上 要離去 孤獨遠行! E fra le nubi d'or! 讓那鐘聲回 蕩 天際!

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