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 back表 背,背部; 背面的意思,那麽妳知道back的短語有哪些嗎?接下來我為大家整理了back的短語搭配,希望對妳有幫助哦!


 back out(v.+adv.)

 不遵守(諾言、合同等),改變主意 fail to fulfil a promise, contract, etc.; change an idea

 back out

 I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment.我希望能信賴妳不至於在最後關頭撒手不幹。

 Please don't try to back out now that everything's been arranged.既然壹切都已安排妥當,請不要試圖改變主意。

 You said you would go; you can't back out now.妳答應要去,妳不能食言啊!

 back out of sth

 He would like to back out of the contract, but we can't allow it.他想取消這個合同,但是我們不能答應。  at the back of

 1.作為?背後的原因 ultimately responsible

 After a long time the police discovered the man at the back of the famous robbery.經過很長的時間,警察發現此人就是那樁有名的搶劫案的背後主使者。

 2.支持 support

 The people are at the back of the reformers.人民支持改革家。

 at the back of mind

 在內心中 in one's thoughts, but without being of immediate or central concern

 The issue has been lingering at the back of my mind for a long time.長期以來這個問題壹直在我的腦海裏縈繞。

 back be to the wall

 處於絕境 in difficulties with no retreat

 They made more than ten objections but William overcame them all; he always fights best when his back's to the wall.他們提出了十多條反對的理由,但是威廉把它們全都駁倒了,他處於絕境時最能爭鬥。

 turn one's back on

 1.不理睬 not pay attention to

 She turned her back on him.她不理睬他。

 I appealed to my father for help, but he turned his back on me.我向父親求援,可是他不肯幫忙。

 2.背棄 abandon; deliberately ignore

 He has turned his back on his past way of life.他脫離了過去的生活方式。


 back, uphold, support, sustain, advocate


 back : 通常指對論點、行動、事業等的強有力支持。

 uphold : 既可指積極努力對陷入困境者的支持,也可指給某人在行動、道義或信仰上的支持。

 support : 含義廣泛,多指在道義上或物質上支持某人,也可指對某項事業的支持。

 sustain : 側重指連續不斷的支持。

 advocate : 多指通過寫文章或發表演說等來支持或擁護,往往暗示提倡某事或為某事辯護。

 back, backward, hind, behind


 back : 作為副詞或形容詞時,強調所修飾物的位置以及動作運動方向。

 backward : 可用於人或物,指向後的,落後的或遲鈍的。

 hind : 指成對並且分前後的東西的"後面的"。

 behind : 指壹物同它物相對的位置或場所。


 1. If you love life, life will love you back.


 2. We'll go to a meeting in Birmingham and come straight back.


 3. The rescuers were beaten back by strong winds and currents.


 4. I'll report back the moment I have located him.


 5. He ordered them to stack up pillows behind his back.


 6. I felt a sharp pain in my lower back.


 7. He took off at once and headed back to the motel.


 8. "His memory must be completely back, then?" ? "Just about."


 9. They hadn't invented sequencers back in those days, had they?


 10. I gave her a lift back out to her house.


 11. "Welcome back" was all they said. I could have kissed them!


 12. His long, uncovered hair flew back in the wind.


 13. He will soon be back in training for next year's National.


 14. The community's links with Syria date back to biblical times.


 15. Dave pulled a back muscle and could barely kick the ball.


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