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1、The area has a number of schools in close proximity to each other.這個地區有許多學校比鄰而立。

2、The boy first showed promise as an athlete in grade school.這個男孩在上小學的時候就初次顯示出成為運動員的潛力。

3、He introduced radio to the school to increase the children's awareness.他在學校開通廣播,以提高孩子們的警覺性。

4、Children at school receive coloured stars for work well done.學校裏的孩子表現得好會得到彩色星星。

5、The queue for places at the school has never been longer.排隊申請上這所學校的人數達到歷史最高峰。

6、At my brother's high schoolgraduation the students recited a poem.在我弟弟的高中畢業典禮上,學生們朗誦了壹首詩。

7、The school has won awards for its pioneering work with the community.這所學校因其針對該社區具有開創性的工作而獲獎。

8、With characteristic impetuosity, he announced he was leaving school.壹貫性急沖動的他又宣布要退學了。

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