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My ideal career

Everyone in childhood can have his ambition, but mostly unrealistic illusion, when I was a child also wanted to be a teacher, the doctor, and even scientists, but along with the growth of the age, the changes of things around, my ideal is changing,too.

The time of studying in the junior high school, I want to be a construction engineers, to use my own hands and draws out the building structure, however,constant in high school sports scores more prominent, became a sport man can hold a opportunity to sports college, and then a strong desire passed was to become a doctor, because I can not only face to face with player which I like a lot but also have a plenty of chances to go out , and go with the likes of athletes that personality, so that should be very harmonious working environment, but the university’s entrance exam defeated so that have to be a accounting, this is not my interest, just for parents and the forms of employment , when the dream of a team doctor has been impossible I live without a goal after once, I don’t kown if it depends on the depressing environment,which makes me pressing .So I want to live another life of freedom, I began to make great interest in director, producer or advertising creative class career, because this kind of profession is free, do not allow formal rules, and it also can be in touch more fresh things, to different places, which according to my wishes. Although this desire is unlikely to achieve, but it also can be a kind of boring life as a flavoring, to know more about this kind of thing in usual.

Although it is not my interest what I learned, but whether I would have been in accounting for professional in my lifetime, or it is just a springboard in my career, I should be seriousto face it, after all, the knowledge is not a bad thing.

累死了 真郁悶 我還只是初二學生啊 不過應該差不多了 至少態度到了 時態自己再註意下 就這樣了

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