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as for (至於,就?方面說)和 as to (至於;關於)這兩個復合介詞在含義上相當接近,但在用法上差別很多。下面談它們的這些差別。

1.as for

1)用以轉換話題:在有前文的情況下as for總是出現在下文的句首,用來引出另外壹方或者新的談話內容,但與前文內容也有壹定的聯系,起到補充前文又突出後文的作用,使之與前文形成對照,譯作“至於”。

例如: ①You can have a bed;as for him,he'll have to sleep on the floor. ②Much pasture land is underwater;and as for the grain, most of that has been ruined.

2)用以表現態度:as for還可以用來表示講話人對某人或某物持有“輕蔑”或“冷淡”的態度,甚至有憎惡之感,講話時要重讀引出的詞語並在其後稍作停頓,以示強調,口氣上帶有嘲諷意味,譯作漢語的“至於?嘛”。

例如: ①As for you,I never want to see you here in my home again.

②As for his songs,I suppose you've read the sarcastic reviews !

2.as to

1)表示涉及某點:as to常放於句中,表示“關於?方面”、“有關?之事”,但為了突出要提及的人或事之時,也可將as to置於句首,以示強調。但只涉及內容,而不涉及講話人的態度。例如:

①His wife,an old teacher,has n0 complaint as to salary.

②As to your ability to overfulfil the target,I never had the slightest doubt.

2)用以重提舊事:as to引出的內容都是前文曾經提到過的或者談話對方都有所了解的,表示“說到”之義。,例如:

①As to doing that,I haven't decided yet.

②As to the question you raised in your last letter,I think that it is unanswerable.

3)用於提出問題:as to必須位於句中,前面出現的大都是表達某種心理活動的動詞,形容詞或名詞,其後引接出wh-clause或who-to-v結構,表示“在?的問題上”、“就?問題來講”,所引出的問題都有很強的針對性。但有人認為這裏的罄to顯得多余,去之亦通。所以,有時也不必譯出。例如:

①There is some doubt as to whether the proposal is practicable.

②I enquired of the clerk as to which documents were needed.

4.引出做事的依據:as to還有“按照”、“根據”的含義,而as for則無此義。

例如: ①The shoes are correctly placed on the shelf as to size and colour. ②The items on the agenda are listed as to order of importance.

綜上所述,as for 和 as to在確切含義的表達和具體用法上都是有很大差別的,不能將二者混為壹談。

在英語中表示“就?而論”“有關”或“至於”含義的詞語頗多,其中 as to 和 as for 亦表此義,但二者用法不盡相同。

as to 的功能類似於 with regard to, regarding, on the matter of, concerning 等,常用於相當正式的語境中,尤其用於爭論和做出決定時。可放於句首或與 wh- 疑問詞引導的動詞不定式和名詞性從句連用(有時可省略),而 as for 無此種用法。

例如: As to the journey, we must decide about that later. 至於旅行,我們必須以後再作決定。

As to the flood, I have heard nothing. 至於那次水災,我沒聽到什麽。

Nobody could decide ( as to ) what to do.


He is very uncertain as to whether it's the right job for him.


A question arose as to who should be the monitor. 關於誰當班長的問題出現了矛盾。

I want to find out as to whom this bicycle belongs to. 我要打聽出來這輛自行車是誰的。

as to 有時用於表示 according to 的含義。

例如: They sorted the eggs as to size and color. 他們按照大小和顏色將雞蛋進行分類。

as for 和 as to 都可用於句首,引出壹個與前壹個話題稍微有些不同的話題,但 as for 在語體上不如 as to 正式,並且著重話題的轉換,也就是說,它所引導的是前面尚未提到過的新的事情,因此它不能用於文章的開頭。

另外, as for 有時表達輕蔑的語氣。

例如: We had a delightful weekend in the country. As for the traffic, we had no difficulty. 在鄉下我們度過了壹個愉快的周末。至於交通,我們沒有遇到任何困難。

Much pasture land is under water; as for the grain, most of that has been ruined.


You can have a bed; as for him, he'll have to sleep on the floor.


As for him, I know nothing.


As for this subject, I couldn't remember. 至於這個題目,我記不起來了。

As for you, I never want to see you here again. 至於妳,我永遠也不願在此見到妳。

as if用法

壹、as if 在從句中的作用

1、在look, seem等系動詞後引導表語從句

eg: She looks as if she were ten years younger. 她看起來好像年輕了十歲。

It seems as if our team is going to win. 看起來我們隊要勝了。


eg: She loves the boy as if she were his mother. 她愛這個男孩,就好像她是他的母親。

The child talked to us as if he were a grow-up. 那個孩子跟我們談起話來,像個成年人似的。

二、as if 用於省略句中

如果as if引導的從句是“主語+系動詞”結構,可以省略主語和系動詞,這樣as if 後就只剩下名詞、不定式、形容詞(短語)、介詞短語或分詞。

eg: He acts as if (he was) a fool. 他做事像個傻子。 Tom raised his hands as if (he was going) to say something. Tom舉起手好像要說什麽。

She left the room hurriedly as if (she was) angry. 她匆忙離開房間好像生氣的樣子。

三、as if 從句的語氣及時態

1、as if 從句用於陳述句


eg: It sounds as if it raining.聽起來像是在下雨。

He talks as if he is drunk.從他談話的樣子來看他是醉了。

2、as if 從句用於虛擬語氣



eg: You look as if you didn’t care.妳看起來好像並不在乎。

He talks as if he knew where she was. 他說話的樣子,好像他知道她在哪裏似的。


eg: He talks about Rome as if he had been there before.


The girl listened as if she had been turned to stone.


(3)如果從句表示與將來事實相反,謂語動詞用“would/could might+動詞原形”。

eg: He opened his mouth as if he would say something. 他張開嘴好像要說什麽。

It looks as if it might snow.看起來好像要下雪了。

(4)as if 後面可以接陳述語氣和虛擬語氣。如果句子陳述的情況是真實的,那麽只要保持時態壹致即可;如果後面接的並非真實情況,則要按照虛擬語氣的規則把句子形式改變(簡單說就是事態倒退原則)。

eg: It seems as if it is raining outside.


It seems as if it was raining outside.


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