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問題壹:緣的英文怎麽寫 fate


問題二:緣的英文怎麽寫 緣份



Pass is a fate, to be friends!

問題三:緣分用英語怎麽寫 fate, destiny, serendipity 都可以的。看具體情況選吧

問題四:請問;緣,的標準英文怎麽寫? 邊緣的緣,edge



問題五:緣分用英文怎麽說 lotluck


1.(發生聯系的機會) lot or luck by which people are brought together

1.(發生聯系的機會) lot or luck by which people are brought together

So we're together again. It must be 海ate.

咱倆又在壹起了, 真是有緣分。

Smoking and drinking don't appeal to me.

煙、酒跟我沒有緣分。[lot or luck by which people are brought together] 機緣。某種必然存在的相遇的機會和可能

問題六:緣分的英文名怎麽寫 destiny

問題七:“緣分”英語怎麽說 英文原文:






問題八:緣分用英語怎麽說 緣分 predestined relationship ; fate

緣 reason; cause; sake,relationship,edge; fringe,climb

無緣無故地 for no reason at all

世上沒有無緣無故的愛,也沒有無緣無故的恨。 There is absolutely no such thing

as love or hatred without any reason or cause.

不識廬山真面目,只緣身在此山中。 I can't tell the true shape of Lu Shan

because I myself am on the mountain.

花徑不曾緣客掃。 The garden path has never been cleared for the visit of a


血緣 blood relationship

人緣 relations with people

姻緣 predestined marriage

前世因緣 predestination

天賜良緣 a godsent marriage; a good marriage arranged in Heaven

天緣巧合 a luck coincidence

投緣的街坊們 congenial neighbors

化緣 beg for alms

有人緣 enjoy great popularity

喜結良緣 tie the nuptial knot

締結姻緣 form marital tie

聊得投緣 talk congenially

有緣結識某人 be lucky to get acquainted with *** .

無緣結識某人 have no opportunity to get acquainted with *** .

與某人有壹面之緣 happen to have met *** . once

婚姻是緣分。 A couple's conjugal fate is prearranged.

他們的結合是美滿的姻緣。 Their wedlock is a happy marriage.

有緣終相逢。 Fate brings together people who are far apart.

無緣不相逢。 There is no meeting without predestination.

我與煙酒無緣。 Smoking and drinking don't appeal to me.

好事似乎與他無緣。 Good luck seemed to be wholly denied to him.

千裏姻緣壹線牽。 Two beings destined to marry each other, though thousands

of miles apart, are tied together with an invisible red thread by an old

man under the moonlight.

他們倆有情無緣。 The are attracted to each other but are not fated to be

conjugally tied.

機緣湊巧,我找到壹份工作。 As luck would have it, I......>>

問題九:佛教的“緣”英文怎麽翻譯。古印度語“緣”怎麽寫的? 5分 (1) Cause. Various conditions. (Skt. ka^ran!a, pratyaya, prati^tya, pratyaya-hetu).

(2) Indirect cause, secondary cause. Associated conditions. All things are subject to the principle of cause and effect, but there are conditions/circumstances that aid the causes that produce an effect, which are called 'indirect causes.' Connection. Opportunity, chance.

(3) Relationship, basis (a^rambana, a^lambana).

(4) Object of cognition, object of perception; environment, object.

(5) To take as an object. To connect with; be connected with. The mind facing an object of the external world. To sense, perceive or cognize. With the meaning of cognition, it refers to the relation of subject to object, that is, the function of the consciousness cognizing external objects.

(6) Facing the mind.

(7) An abbreviation of 機緣, a term for 'sentient beings.'

(8) Implement(s). Relationship, affinity, connection.

(9) One of the ten such-likes taught in the Lotus Sutra.

FROM:《英漢-漢英-英英佛學辭典》中華佛典寶庫 編

問題十:緣分壹詞用英文怎麽說? 緣分用英文luck

我們倆真有緣分 We really have luck.

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