當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 源碼破解 - 有關於中國傳統婚禮的單詞翻譯



提親- making proposal for sb

定親 - engagement

媒人 - matchmaker

新房-bridal chamber

壹般宴席的話banquet就可以了.但是這裏是指婚宴所以用 wedding banquet

嫁妝- a dowry(這個比較常用) a trousseau; the bottom drawer

聘禮-betrothal presents

花轎-a bridal sedan chair

跨火盆-go cross the firing basin(在這裏要跟老外解釋下中國的跨火盆是什麽意思,要不是直接說跨火盆他們會誤會的)

拜天地-the bride and birdegroom bow to the heaven and earth

拜高堂-bow to your parents

夫妻對拜-bow to each other

敬茶-offer a cup of tea

洞房-bridal chamber

鬧洞房-guests and relatives crowd in the bridal chamber to tease the new couple on their wedding night and play practical jokes on them

娘家 - home or family of a married woman's parents (網上是這樣解釋的)但是我認為不需要那麽復雜,娘家直接表達my in-laws 就可以了.老外就明白了.我解釋下In-laws的意思, 指的是與妳婚姻有關的丈夫或者妻子的父母親那方.


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