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1.Don't Cry For Me Argentina (阿根廷別為我哭泣)


It won't be easy, you'll think it strange

When I try to explain how I feel

That I still need your love after all that I've done

You won't believe me

All you will see is a girl you once knew

Although she's dressed up to the nines

At sixes and sevens with you

I had to let it happen, I had to change

Couldn't stay all my life down at heel

Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun

So I chose freedom

Running around trying everything new

But nothing impressed me at all

I never expected it to

Don't cry for me Argentina

The truth is I never left you

All through my wild days

My mad existence

I kept my promise

Don't keep your distance

And as for fortune, and as for fame

I never invited them in

Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired

They are illusions

They are not the solutions they promised to be

The answer was here all the time

I love you and hope you love me

Don't cry for me Argentina...

Don't cry for me Argentina

The truth is I never left you

All through my wild days

My mad existence

I kept my promise

Don't keep your distance

Have I said too much? There's nothing more I can think of to say to you

But all you have to do is look at me to know that every word is true

It won t be easy.那並不容易。

U ll think it strange.妳會感到奇怪。

When I try 2 explain how I feel.當我努力說明自己的感受。

That I still need Ur love.我仍然需要妳的愛。

After all that I ve done.在我所做的壹切面前。

U won t believe me.妳仍不願相信我的話。

All U will see is a girl U once knew.妳總是認定我還是那個妳從前認識的女孩。

Although she s dressed up 2 the nines.雖然她的打扮無可挑剔。

At sixes & sevens with U.卻與妳格格不入。

I had 2 let it happen.我無法避免其發生。

I had 2 change.我不得不去改變。

Couldn t stay all my life down that hell.不能聽憑自己隨波逐流。

Looking out of the window.(滿足於)張望窗外。

Staying out of the sun.遠離陽光。

So I chose freedom.於是我選擇了自由。

Running around trying everything new.四處漫遊,嘗試壹切新事物。

But nothing impressed me at all.但沒有給我留下壹絲印象。

I never expected it to.這本非我所望。

Don t cry 4 me Argentina ! 阿根廷,別為我哭泣!

The truth is I never left U.事實上我從未離開過妳。

All through my wild days.在那段狂野歲月裏。

My mad existence.瘋狂歷程中。

I kept my promise.我信守諾言。

Don t keep Ur distance.別將我拒之門外。

And as 4 fortune,and as 4 fame.至於金錢,以及名利。

I never invited them in.我曾未奢望。

They are illusions.它們不過是幻象。

They re not the solutions.絕非解決的途徑。

They promised 2 be.如它們所承諾的那樣。

The answer was here all the time.答案壹直在這。

I love U & hope U love me.我愛妳,希望妳也愛我。

Don t cry 4 me Argentina ! 阿根廷,別為我哭泣!

Don t cry 4 me Argentina ! 阿根廷,別為我哭泣!

The truth is I never left U.事實上我從未離開過妳。

All through my wild days.在那段狂野歲月裏。

My mad existence.瘋狂歷程中。

I kept my promise.我信守諾言。

Don t keep Ur distance.別將我拒之門外。

Have I said too much ? 我是否說得太多?

There s nothing more I can think of 2 say 2 U.我想不出還能向妳表白什麽.

But all U have 2 do is look at me 2 know.但妳所要做的只是看著我,妳就會知道

That every word is true.每字每句都是真情


























3 回復:優美歌詞...

you coyouldn’t say.


needed someone new.


you actyoually thoyought.


deep inside i knew.


can you tell me how can you say.


why this shoyould syouffice?


you passed me by.


and your heart as cold as ice.(you passed me by)

妳的心冷如冰(妳從我身邊走過 )

did you see me cry?(did you ask yourself why?)


did you see me cry?(did you ask yourself how?)


can you hear me cry?(did you ask yourself?)


will we ever grew apart?


you,you coyouldn’t say.


needed someone new.


and you actyoually thoyought.


deep inside i knew.


i wonder where we will go.


will we be the same.?(you passed me by)


i layough inside i think of you.


and the love we made.(you passed me by)


tell me why this shoyould syouffice.


i hold you throyough the night.


now will i let it go?


soon i’ll let it go.


can you hear me cry?(will you ask yourself how?)


can you hear me cry?(will you ask yourself how?)


can you hear me cry?(will you ask yourself?)


will we ever grew apart?


you,i’ll stand by your side.


i’ll be there for you.(you passed me by)


you,i’ll stand by your side.


please jyoust do me right.(you passed me by)


you,i’ll stand by your side.


i’ll be there for you.


欣賞 :



《Hear Me Cry》這首歌旋律很優美,演唱者的聲音很幹凈. 舒緩而又略含沖動的調子,沙啞而又略含憂傷的聲音,慢慢聽來,整首歌就像壹名溫婉女子在緩緩傾訴自己的愛情故事,落寞,又堅強...

3.truly madly deeplTruely,真誠的.瘋狂的.深刻的--野人花園唱的:)~


i'll be your dream, i'll be your wish i'll be your fantasy.

i'll be your hope, i'll be your love be everything that you need.

i love you more with every breath truly madly deeply do..

i will be strong i will be faithful 'cause i'm counting on a new beginning.

a reason for living. a deeper meaning.

i want to stand with you on a mountain.

i want to bathe with you in the sea.

i want to lay like this forever.

until the sky falls down on me...

and when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky,

i'll make a wish send it to heaven then make you want to cry..

the tears of joy for all the pleasure and the certainty.

that we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of..

the highest power. in lonely hours. the tears devour you..

i want to stand with you on a mountain,

i want to bathe with you in the sea.

i want to lay like this forever,

until the sky falls down on me...

oh can't you see it baby?

you don't have to close your eyes 'cause

it's standing right before you.

all that you need will surely come...

i'll be your dream i'll be your wish i'll be your fantasy.

i'll be your hope i'll be your love be everything that you need.

i'll love you more with every breath truly madly deeply do...

4.Don't Cry For Me Argentina (阿根廷別為我哭泣)


It won't be easy, you'll think it strange

When I try to explain how I feel

That I still need your love after all that I've done

You won't believe me

All you will see is a girl you once knew

Although she's dressed up to the nines

At sixes and sevens with you

I had to let it happen, I had to change

Couldn't stay all my life down at heel

Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun

So I chose freedom

Running around trying everything new

But nothing impressed me at all

I never expected it to

Don't cry for me Argentina

The truth is I never left you

All through my wild days

My mad existence

I kept my promise

Don't keep your distance

And as for fortune, and as for fame

I never invited them in

Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired

They are illusions

They are not the solutions they promised to be

The answer was here all the time

I love you and hope you love me

Don't cry for me Argentina...

Don't cry for me Argentina

The truth is I never left you

All through my wild days

My mad existence

I kept my promise

Don't keep your distance

Have I said too much? There's nothing more I can think of to say to you

But all you have to do is look at me to know that every word is true

It won t be easy.那並不容易。

U ll think it strange.妳會感到奇怪。

When I try 2 explain how I feel.當我努力說明自己的感受。

That I still need Ur love.我仍然需要妳的愛。

After all that I ve done.在我所做的壹切面前。

U won t believe me.妳仍不願相信我的話。

All U will see is a girl U once knew.妳總是認定我還是那個妳從前認識的女孩。

Although she s dressed up 2 the nines.雖然她的打扮無可挑剔。

At sixes & sevens with U.卻與妳格格不入。

I had 2 let it happen.我無法避免其發生。

I had 2 change.我不得不去改變。

Couldn t stay all my life down that hell.不能聽憑自己隨波逐流。

Looking out of the window.(滿足於)張望窗外。

Staying out of the sun.遠離陽光。

So I chose freedom.於是我選擇了自由。

Running around trying everything new.四處漫遊,嘗試壹切新事物。

But nothing impressed me at all.但沒有給我留下壹絲印象。

I never expected it to.這本非我所望。

Don t cry 4 me Argentina ! 阿根廷,別為我哭泣!

The truth is I never left U.事實上我從未離開過妳。

All through my wild days.在那段狂野歲月裏。

My mad existence.瘋狂歷程中。

I kept my promise.我信守諾言。

Don t keep Ur distance.別將我拒之門外。

And as 4 fortune,and as 4 fame.至於金錢,以及名利。

I never invited them in.我曾未奢望。

They are illusions.它們不過是幻象。

They re not the solutions.絕非解決的途徑。

They promised 2 be.如它們所承諾的那樣。

The answer was here all the time.答案壹直在這。

I love U & hope U love me.我愛妳,希望妳也愛我。

Don t cry 4 me Argentina ! 阿根廷,別為我哭泣!

Don t cry 4 me Argentina ! 阿根廷,別為我哭泣!

The truth is I never left U.事實上我從未離開過妳。

All through my wild days.在那段狂野歲月裏。

My mad existence.瘋狂歷程中。

I kept my promise.我信守諾言。

Don t keep Ur distance.別將我拒之門外。

Have I said too much ? 我是否說得太多?

There s nothing more I can think of 2 say 2 U.我想不出還能向妳表白什麽.

But all U have 2 do is look at me 2 know.但妳所要做的只是看著我,妳就會知道

That every word is true.每字每句都是真情

阿根廷,別為我哭泣(Don't Cry for Me, Argentina)---第六十九屆奧斯卡最佳電影歌曲

“阿根廷,別為我哭泣”(Don't Cry for Me, Argentina)是1996年電影《貝隆夫人》(Evita)的主題曲。該片由歌壇天後麥當娜(Madonna)和安東尼奧.班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)主演,描寫的是阿根廷的第壹夫人——艾薇塔的悲歡離合、大起大落、享盡榮華富貴,也嘗遍心酸坎坷的壹生:她出生貧寒,但對未來充滿憧憬,但在那個時代,經過不懈的努力,具有美麗容顏的她很快在壹個攝影師的鏡頭下成名,從此輾轉在富人和官員中,直到她遇到貝隆上校——壹個聲望上升的軍官,她才脫穎而出,成為耀眼的政治明星。麥當娜又演又唱,表現大放異彩,曾獲金球獎(喜劇與音樂劇)最佳女主角,也打破了她是“票房毒藥”的宿命。

艾薇塔的壹生是個傳奇,既深受人民愛戴,被稱為“窮人的旗手”,但也被富人們稱為“不擇手段的女人”。人們忘不了她對社會、勞工、教育所做出的貢獻。其悲劇性的早逝(年僅33歲),令人惋惜。該片改編自安德魯·洛埃·韋伯(Andrew Lloyd Webster)的同名歌劇,由阿倫·派克導演。這首主題歌是《貝隆夫人》原聲帶歌曲中流傳最廣的壹首,曲中寫盡了女主角對祖國阿根廷的壹往情深和她個人渴望改革的堅強誌意,在西方的流行歌曲中是壹首擲地有聲之作。


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