當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 源碼破解 - lunar是什麽意思



lunar,美?[?lun?r]英?[?lu?n?(r)]。例句:Owing to the phenomenon of libration it is possible to observe up to 60% of thetotal lunar surface.由於天平動的現象,我們可能觀測到月球總面積的60%。

But in 2008, an analysis of a handful of lunar volcanic glass beads suggestedthey might have formed in a watery environment.但是,在2008年,對少量月球火山玻璃碎的分析顯示它們可能是在含水的環境中形成的。

The controversy that you point out may be understandable from the fact that thendian calendar is lunar-based, like the lslamic calendar.爭論的是,妳指出,這可以通過印度歷法是以月亮運行為基礎這個事實來理解,就跟伊斯蘭歷法壹樣。

Of course, if viewed from the lunar surface near the terminator line, the Sun wouldbe rising and still close to the lunar horizon.當然如果身處月球表面的明暗界線上,會看到太陽極慢從地平線上升起。

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