當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 源碼下載 - 請問怎麽寫壹個vb區域截圖的軟件?可能用 BitBlt來寫,但是我只會寫截全屏的。真的很急。。。

請問怎麽寫壹個vb區域截圖的軟件?可能用 BitBlt來寫,但是我只會寫截全屏的。真的很急。。。

hDCtmp = GetDC(0)

BitBlt Me.hdc, -Me.Left / 15, -Me.Top / 15, Me.Width, Me.Height, hDCtmp, a, b, vbSrcCopy

ReleaseDC 0, hDCtmp 看見了沒,這個是使用窗體的位置進行截圖。窗體的刻度單位是像素,如果是提就把寬和高除以15. 下面是我編的截圖程序,比qq差點吧,今天完善了壹些,勉強可以用,妳看不看的懂就不清楚了。 Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) _

As Long

Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _

ByVal hdc As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" _

(ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, _

ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, _

ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, _

ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, _

ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long

Dim xx As Integer, yy As Integer, xx1 As Integer, yy1 As Integer, z As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()

Line1.Visible = False

Line2.Visible = False

Line3.Visible = False

Line4.Visible = False

Label1.Visible = False

Label2.Visible = False

Me.Move 0, 0, Screen.Width, Screen.Height

hDCtmp = GetDC(0)

BitBlt Me.hdc, 0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height, hDCtmp, a, b, vbSrcCopy

ReleaseDC 0, hDCtmp

End SubPrivate Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

If Button = 1 Then

xx = X

yy = Y

Line1.Visible = True

Line2.Visible = True

Line3.Visible = True

Line4.Visible = True

Label1.Visible = True

Label2.Visible = False

End If

End SubPrivate Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

If Button = 1 Then

xx1 = X

yy1 = YLine1.X1 = xx: Line1.Y1 = yy: Line1.X2 = xx: Line1.Y2 = yy1

Line2.X1 = xx: Line2.Y1 = yy: Line2.X2 = xx1: Line2.Y2 = yy

Line3.X1 = xx1: Line3.Y1 = yy: Line3.X2 = xx1: Line3.Y2 = yy1

Line4.X1 = xx: Line4.Y1 = yy1: Line4.X2 = xx1: Line4.Y2 = yy1If xx < xx1 And yy < yy1 Then

Label1.Move xx1, yy1

Label1.Caption = "當前大小" & (xx1 - xx) & "*" & (yy1 - yy) & vbCrLf & "當前RGB(" & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF&) - (Me.Point(xx1, yy1) And &HFF&)) & "," & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF00&) - (Me.Point(xx1, yy1) And &HFF00&)) / &H100& & "," & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF0000) - (Me.Point(xx1, yy1) And &HFF0000)) / &H10000 & ")"

ElseIf xx > xx1 And yy < yy1 Then

Label1.Move xx, yy1

Label1.Caption = "當前大小" & (xx1 - xx) & "*" & (yy1 - yy) & vbCrLf & "當前RGB(" & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF&) - (Me.Point(xx1, yy1) And &HFF&)) & "," & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF00&) - (Me.Point(xx1, yy1) And &HFF00&)) / &H100& & "," & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF0000) - (Me.Point(xx1, yy1) And &HFF0000)) / &H10000 & ")"

ElseIf xx < xx1 And yy > yy1 Then

Label1.Move xx1, yy

Label1.Caption = "當前大小" & (xx1 - xx) & "*" & (yy1 - yy) & vbCrLf & "當前RGB(" & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF&) - (Me.Point(xx1, yy1) And &HFF&)) & "," & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF00&) - (Me.Point(xx1, yy1) And &HFF00&)) / &H100& & "," & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF0000) - (Me.Point(xx1, yy1) And &HFF0000)) / &H10000 & ")"


Label1.Move xx, yy

Label1.Caption = "當前大小" & (xx1 - xx) & "*" & (yy1 - yy) & vbCrLf & "當前RGB(" & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF&) - (Me.Point(xx1, yy1) And &HFF&)) & "," & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF00&) - (Me.Point(xx1, yy1) And &HFF00&)) / &H100& & "," & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF0000) - (Me.Point(xx1, yy1) And &HFF0000)) / &H10000 & ")"

End If

End If

End SubPrivate Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

If Button = 1 Then

Dim xxSave As Integer

Dim yySave As Integer

xx1 = X

yy1 = Y

Label2.Visible = True

If xx < xx1 And yy < yy1 Then

Label2.Move xx, yy, xx1 - xx, yy1 - yy

ElseIf xx > xx1 And yy < yy1 Then

Label2.Move xx1, yy, xx - xx1, yy1 - yy

ElseIf xx < xx1 And yy > yy1 Then

Label2.Move xx, yy1, xx1 - xx, yy - yy1

ElseIf xx > xx1 And yy > yy1 Then

Label2.Move xx1, yy1, xx - xx1, yy - yy1

End If

Line1.Visible = False

Line2.Visible = False

Line3.Visible = False

Line4.Visible = False

End If

End SubPrivate Sub Label1_Click()


Me.Move Label2.Left * 15, Label2.Top * 15, Label2.Width * 15, Label2.Height * 15

hDCtmp = GetDC(0)

BitBlt Me.hdc, -Me.Left / 15, -Me.Top / 15, Me.Width, Me.Height, hDCtmp, a, b, vbSrcCopy

ReleaseDC 0, hDCtmp

SavePicture Me.Image, App.Path & "\" & "截屏" & Minute(Time) & Second(Time) & ".jpg"


End SubPrivate Sub Label2_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

If Button = 1 Then

xx = X / 15

yy = Y / 15

If Label2.MousePointer = vbNormal Then

z = 1


z = 2

End If

End If

End SubPrivate Sub Label2_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

X = X / 15

Y = Y / 15

If (X + 10 >= Label2.Width And Y + 10 >= Label2.Height) Then '右下\左上角

Label2.MousePointer = vbSizeNWSE

If z = 2 Then

If X >= 5 Then

Label2.Width = X

End If

If Y >= 5 Then

Label2.Height = Y

End If

End If


If z = 1 Then

Label2.Left = Label2.Left + X - xx

Label2.Top = Label2.Top + Y - yy

End If

Label2.MousePointer = vbNormal

End If

Label1.Caption = "點此保存" & vbCrLf & _

"圖片寬 " & Label2.Width & vbCrLf & "圖片高 " & Label2.Height & vbCrLf & "當前RGB(" & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF&) - (Me.Point(Label2.Left + X, Label2.Top + Y) And &HFF&)) & "," & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF00&) - (Me.Point(Label2.Left + X, Label2.Top + Y) And &HFF00&)) / &H100& & "," & _

Abs((ColorCmp And &HFF0000) - (Me.Point(Label2.Left + X, Label2.Top + Y) And &HFF0000)) / &H10000 & ")"

Call label1W_Move

End SubPrivate Sub Label2_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

z = 0

End Sub

Private Sub label1W_Move()

If Label2.Left + Label2.Width + 100 < Me.Width / 15 Then

Call label1H_Move(Label2.Left + Label2.Width)

ElseIf Label2.Left - 50 > 0 Then

Call label1H_Move(Label2.Left - Label1.Width)


Call label1H_Move(Label2.Left)

End If

End SubPrivate Sub label1H_Move(i As Integer)

If Label2.Top + Label2.Height + 100 < Me.Height / 15 Then

Label1.Move i, Label2.Top + Label2.Height

ElseIf Label2.Top - 50 > 0 Then

Label1.Move i, Label2.Top - Label1.Height


Label1.Move i, Label2.Top

End If

End Sub

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