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* Description: The program can do addition, substraction and multiplication for

* arbitrary large numbers.

* For example, after reading in

* 29384987634765182734

* 18293784765342891872

* *

* the program will print

* 537562639122656557670471733298083338048


#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <string>

#include <sstream>

using namespace std;


* 1. Least significant digit is in the right end of the list

* 2. List is implemented as double linked list with dummy head


struct Node{

unsigned digit;

Node* next;

Node* previous;


void insertTail(Node* const list, unsigned digit);

void insertHead(Node* const list, unsigned digit);

void removeTail(Node* const list);

Node* constructList(string str);

void printReverse(Node* const list);

Node* large_add(Node* const operand1, Node* const operand2);

Node* large_substract(Node* const operand1, Node* const operand2);

Node* large_multiply(Node* const operand1, Node* const operand2);

void clear(Node* list);

// pre: list is a linked list with dummy head

// post: insert a node to the end of a list

void insertTail(Node* const list, unsigned digit){

Node* old_tail = list->previous;

Node* new_tail = new Node();

//insert the new tail node

new_tail->digit = digit;

new_tail->next = list;

new_tail->previous = old_tail;

//adjust the original tail node

old_tail->next = new_tail;

list->previous = new_tail;


// pre: list is a linked list with dummy head

// post: insert a node to the beginning of the list.

void insertHead(Node* const list, unsigned digit){

Node* old_head = list->next;

Node* new_head = new Node();

//insert the new head node

new_head->digit = digit;

new_head->next = old_head;

new_head->previous = list;

//adjust the old head node

old_head->previous = new_head;

list->next = new_head;


// pre: list is a linked list with dummy head

// post: remove the last node of the list

void removeTail(Node* const list){

if(list->previous == list)


Node* tail = list->previous;

list->previous = tail->previous;

tail->previous->next = list;

delete tail;


// pre: str is the string representing the integer.

// post: construct a list which represents the integer

Node* constructList(string str){

Node* list = new Node();

list->next = list->previous = list;

for(size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i){

unsigned digit = static_cast<unsigned>(str[i] - '0');

insertHead(list, digit);


return list;


// pre: list is a linked list

// post: print the contents of the list in reversed order.

void printReverse(Node* const list){

Node* p = list->previous;

while(p != list){

cout << p->digit;

p = p->previous;


cout << endl;


// pre: list is a double linked list

// post: empty the list and release all the memory

void clear(Node* list){

Node* p = list->next;

while(p != list){

Node* tmp = p->next;

delete p;

p = tmp;


delete list;


// pre: operand1 and operand2 are two linked lists

// post: add two intergers represented as linked list

Node* large_add(Node* const operand1, Node* const operand2){

Node* p1 = operand1->next;

Node* p2 = operand2->next;

Node* sum = new Node();

sum->next = sum->previous = sum;

int carry = 0;

while(p1 != operand1 || p2 != operand2){

int s = 0;

if(p1 == operand1)

s = p2->digit + carry;

else if(p2 == operand2)

s = p1->digit + carry;

else //neither p1 and p2 reaches the end

s = p1->digit + p2->digit + carry;

carry = s / 10;

s %= 10;

insertTail(sum, static_cast<int>(s));

if(p1 != operand1)

p1 = p1->next;

if(p2 != operand2)

p2 = p2->next;


if(carry != 0)

insertTail(sum, carry);

return sum;


// pre: operand1 and operand2 are two linked lists

// Ensure operand1 >= operand2

// post: substract operand1 from operand2.

Node* large_substract(Node* const operand1, Node* const operand2){

Node* p1 = operand1->next;

Node* p2 = operand2->next;

Node* diff = new Node();

diff->next = diff->previous = diff;

int borrow = 0;

while(p1 != operand1){

int d = 0;

if(p2 == operand2)

d = p1->digit - borrow;


d = p1->digit - p2->digit - borrow;

if(d < 0){

d += 10;

borrow = 1;


borrow = 0;

insertTail(diff, static_cast<unsigned>(d));

if(p2 != operand2)

p2 = p2->next;

p1 = p1->next;


//remove the zeors at the most significant digits.

while(diff->previous != diff->next && diff->previous->digit == 0)


return diff;


// pre: operand1 and operand2 are two linked lists

// post: multiplication of operand1 and operand2

Node* large_multiply(Node* const operand1, Node* const operand2){

Node* p1 = operand1->next;

Node* p2 = operand2->next;

Node* product = new Node();

product->next = product->previous = product;

int digit_num = 0;

while(p1 != operand1){

int carry = 0;

//in each iteration, mutiply one digit of p1 with p2

Node* tmp = new Node();

tmp->next = tmp->previous = tmp;

while(p2 != operand2){

int d = p1->digit * p2->digit + carry;

carry = d / 10;

d %= 10;

insertTail(tmp, static_cast<int>(d));

p2 = p2->next;


if(carry != 0)

insertTail(tmp, carry);

for(int i = 0; i < digit_num; ++i)

insertHead(tmp, 0);

//add the tmp result.

Node* sum = large_add(product, tmp);


product = sum;

p1 = p1->next;

p2 = operand2->next;



return product;


int main(){

string filename;

cin >> filename;

ifstream in(filename.c_str());


return 0;

string str1, str2;

while(getline(in, str1)){

if(str1 == "") //blank line


Node* operand1 = constructList(str1);

in >> str2;

Node* operand2 = constructList(str2);

char op;

in >> op;

Node* result;


case '+':{

result = large_add(operand1, operand2);




case '-':{

//test whether the result is negative;

bool negative = false;

if(str1.size() < str2.size())

negative = true;

else if(str1.size() == str2.size() && (str1 < str2))

negative = true;

if(negative){ //swap these two operands

Node* tmp;

tmp = operand1;

operand1 = operand2;

operand2 = tmp;


result = large_substract(operand1, operand2);


cout << '-';




case '*':{

result = large_multiply(operand1, operand2);











return 0;


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