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matlab delaunay怎麽設置網格的大小

function [ p, t ] = distmesh_2d ( fd, fh, h0, box, iteration_max, pfix, varargin )

%% DISTMESH_2D is a 2D mesh generator using distance functions.

% Example:

% Uniform Mesh on Unit Circle:

% fd = inline('sqrt(sum(p.^2,2))-1','p');

% [p,t] = distmesh_2d(fd,@huniform,0.2,[-1,-1;1,1],100,[]);

% Rectangle with circular hole, refined at circle boundary:

% fd = inline('ddiff(drectangle(p,-1,1,-1,1),dcircle(p,0,0,0.5))','p');

% fh = inline('min(4*sqrt(sum(p.^2,2))-1,2)','p');

% [p,t] = distmesh_2d(fd,fh,0.05,[-1,-1;1,1],500,[-1,-1;-1,1;1,-1;1,1]);

% Parameters:

% Input, function FD, signed distance function d(x,y).

% fd:d=fd(p),p=[x y],fd為給定任壹點到邊界的有符號距離函數,負號表示在區域內,正號為在區域外

% Input, function FH, scaled edge length function h(x,y).

% fh:就是網格大小的函數

% Input, real H0, the initial edge length.

% h0:也就是h, 網格的初始大小

% Input, real BOX(2,2), the bounding box [xmin,ymin; xmax,ymax].

% box:最大外圍矩形範圍

% Input, integer ITERATION_MAX, the maximum number of iterations.

% The iteration might terminate sooner than this limit, if the program decides

% that the mesh has converged.

% iteration_max:允許的最大叠代次數

% Input, real PFIX(NFIX,2), the fixed node positions.

% pfix:網格中需要固定的點坐標,也就是壹定需要出現在網格中的點

% Input, VARARGIN, aditional parameters passed to FD and FH.%

% Output, real P(N,2), the node positions.

% p:網格點的x,y坐標

% Output, integer T(NT,3), the triangle indices.

% t:輸出網格任意壹個三角形的三個頂點

% Local parameters:

% Local, real GEPS, a tolerance for determining whether a point is "almost" inside

% the region. Setting GEPS = 0 makes this an exact test. The program currently

% sets it to 0.001 * H0, that is, a very small multiple of the desired side length

% of a triangle. GEPS is also used to determine whether a triangle falls inside

% or outside the region. In this case, the test is a little tighter. The centroid

% PMID is required to satisfy FD ( PMID ) <= -GEPS.

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