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 Life comes from the first light of pangu, the sweet milk of the mother! Ah! Life, is the fact that comes and goes, is in a flash the fleeting! What can we do? When life is lost, it cannot be undone.

 May be an oversight when crossing the street, perhaps is a drunk driving, perhaps through a red light at a time the feeling be nasty, have lost the lives of others, please don't let us see the site of some of the horrible pictures, please don't let yourself or someone else's parents, wife and children, sorrow, give others a chance, also give yourself a chance.

 Since 2015, the death of countless dead under the tires, is it their own negligence, or someone else's carelessness? Should we be vigilant? In 2015, the number of drunk drivers in xinjiang alone was 570, killing 2,133 people. The news was like a slap in the face: drunk driving, car crash, we should nip it in the bud.

 Drunk driving is a kind of bring nothing but harm to the things that he can not only let his life is threatened, but will also hurt the lives of others, make family sad, disturb the normal social order. Therefore, we should stay away from drunk driving, not let our youth, lost in the tyre.

 Life is like a flower, a brilliant time, a bright red, and a smile.

 Life is like a song, beautiful rendering, happy music, lost sound.

 "Cherish life, civilized travel", as long as these eight words, remember in the heart of everyone, I think: the horrible picture will not appear. Only by caring for you and me can we create a beautiful and harmonious society.

 Flowers of life never fade.

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