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12月9日 22:40 找了壹個,那裏還真多呢。給妳個聯結

e expensive, cremation has become more popular. They still have the all night vigils, parties, singing, moving the body from relative to relative as in the past --somewhat similar to the "wakes" of bygone era.

Still another cultural difference is some strange taboos I've stumbled upon. One does not write the names of people in red -- it means their death; nor give a clock as a gift -- the sound of the Chinese word is an evil omen, nor give one an umbrella for a gift -- for the same reason, or praise another in public -- it is considering asking for favors; nor do they give cards and flowers much at graduation, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays; nor is it proper for male strangers (foreigners) to be very friendly or courteous to women. I was walking with the family of one of my students in a garden path and her mother's shoe came untied. I knelt down to tie the shoe, trying to show off my American politeness, and she jerked her shoe away, frowned, and gave it to her daughter to tie. I was being too familiar. In some walks, especially across water, the bridges or paths zigzag. This is because of the belief that evil spirits must move in a straight line and can not change directions -- hence the zigzag. They also have a different view of dragons. Western societies are prone to take them seriously and as powerful forces of evil ("Beowulf," for example); whereas Chinese are quick to tell you that a dragon is a composite of 8 other animals and are thus more likely to be seen as harmless, funny, loving creatures.

Finally, I want to indicate some differences between us just by listing a few of the many inventions Chinese have done. Recall that their civilization goes back 6,000 years and basically evolved from the same locale. Ours in the USA is more recent and diverse, since we are called the "melting pot" of many nations. Gunpowder, noodles, the compass, the use of the horse in war, block printing, the umbrella, lacquer, silk and silkworm raising, tea, calligraphy, jade used in jewelry, inlaid gold and silver porcelain, brocade, irrigation canals, earthenware (5500 BC), chop sticks, bronze (1600 BC), lyrical epic, standing bells (770 BC).

One could go on with other cultural and custom differences, but I hear these bells gonging for dinner, and I'm hungry -- besides, that's the topic for our next letter -- FOOD

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