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vue-html5-editor 怎麽獲到內容

// 全局組件名稱,使用new VueHtml5Editor(options)時該選項無效 // global component name name: "vue-html5-editor",// 是否顯示模塊名稱,開啟的話會在工具欄的圖標後臺直接顯示名稱 // if set true,will append module name to toolbar after icon showModuleName: false,// 自定義各個圖標的class,默認使用的是font-awesome提供的圖標 // custom icon class of built-in modules,default using font-awesome icons: { text: "fa fa-pencil", color: "fa fa-paint-brush", font: "fa fa-font", align: "fa fa-align-justify", list: "fa fa-list", link: "fa fa-chain", unlink: "fa fa-chain-broken", tabulation: "fa fa-table", image: "fa fa-file-image-o", hr: "fa fa-minus", eraser: "fa fa-eraser", undo: "fa-undo fa", "full-screen": "fa fa-arrows-alt", info: "fa fa-info",

},// 配置圖片模塊 // config image module image: { // 文件最大體積,單位字節 max file size sizeLimit: 512 * 1024, // 上傳參數,默認把圖片轉為base64而不上傳

// upload config,default null and convert image to base64 upload: { url: null, headers: {}, params: {}, fieldName: {}

}, // 壓縮參數,默認使用localResizeIMG進行壓縮,設置為null禁止壓縮

// compression config,default resize image by localResizeIMG () //default en-us, en-us and zh-cn are built-in language: "zh-cn",// 自定義語言 i18n: { //specify your language here

"zh-cn": { "align": "對齊方式", "image": "圖片", "list": "列表", "link": "鏈接", "unlink": "去除鏈接", "table": "表格", "font": "文字", "full screen": "全屏", "text": "排版", "eraser": "格式清除", "info": "關於", "color": "顏色", "please enter a url": "請輸入地址", "create link": "創建鏈接", "bold": "加粗", "italic": "傾斜", "underline": "下劃線", "strike through": "刪除線", "subscript": "上標", "superscript": "下標", "heading": "標題", "font name": "字體", "font size": "文字大小", "left justify": "左對齊", "center justify": "居中", "right justify": "右對齊", "ordered list": "有序列表", "unordered list": "無序列表", "fore color": "前景色", "background color": "背景色", "row count": "行數", "column count": "列數", "save": "確定", "upload": "上傳", "progress": "進度", "unknown": "未知", "please wait": "請稍等", "error": "錯誤", "abort": "中斷", "reset": "重置"


},// 隱藏不想要顯示出來的模塊 // the modules you don't want hiddenModules: [],// 自定義要顯示的模塊,並控制順序 // keep only the modules you want and customize the order. // can be used with hiddenModules together visibleModules: [ "text", "color", "font", "align", "list", "link", "unlink", "tabulation", "image", "hr", "eraser", "undo", "full-screen", "info",

],// 擴展模塊,具體可以參考examples或查看源碼 // extended modules modules: { //omit,reference to source code of build-in modules }

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